Threads by latest replies - Page 2915

(8 replies)
No.13549047 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(112 replies)
No.13551432 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You were saying?
Science wins
Anti vaxxers btfo
107 posts and 16 images omitted
(10 replies)
No.13551941 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is it scientifically ethical for cdc to be making tons of money in the vaccine business?
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(5 replies)
No.13552149 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does HCG make you hung? Also, are there any other benefits to taking it?
(31 replies)
No.13545938 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why hasn't anyone tried to genetically engineer a tree of some sort that spreads cancerously fast and grows incredibly tall and large and sucks all of the carbon dioxide from the air?
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(25 replies)
No.13550616 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any correlation between penis size and race?
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(5 replies)
No.13552079 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm gonna try to self study a few areas of interest being:
1. Math
2. Basic physics
3. Basic electronics
4. Basic programming/algos

My plan is to read and use videos only on parts that need more in depth explanation. Anybody have one of those /sci/ book guides for the recommended books in these areas? My main goal is I want to build things using small controllers, learn math for fun/understanding stuff around me better, and brush up on physics for the same reason. For math if I've taken calc 2 around 7 years ago can I just jump back into calc 1 and relearn the trig/algebra as I go along? I have 0 experience in electronics/programming. Any tips from anyone who has self studied too?
(6 replies)

ADHD Sleep

No.13551253 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go to sleep
>wake up a few hours later
>feeling a burst of energy
>racing thoughts
>takes hours to get back to sleep again
>feel sleepy and tired the next day

This is getting fucking ridiculous. How do I stop being so excited for absolutely no fucking reason in the middle of the night?
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(10 replies)

Why is medical research progressing so slow

No.13550740 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We're living in 2021.

Still there are no cures for illnesses. Why can't we cure things like:

Autoimmune diseases
Brain disorders
Genetic disorders
Hearing loss

The technology is advanced, but the medical care is still stuck in the stone age.

Why are humans so stupid. Why isn't anything happening?
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(22 replies)

MechE hate thread? MechE hate thread.

No.13542044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: we shit on MechEs for being a dime a dozen engineers. The sheep essentially of STEM.
Allowed: Any other type of Engineer. Aerospace Engineers are allowed to lurk. Physishits and Computer Scientists and Mathematicians are also welcome.
17 posts and 3 images omitted