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Anonymous (8 replies)
>>13549448 They will be strong hunter-gatherers in the oncoming apocalypse.
>>13549450 Maybe, maybe not. evolutionary psychology doesn't have a strong ground.
>>13549466 I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Could you repeat that?
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>>13549472 Based and ADHDpilled
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>paranoid schizophrenia
Anonymous (112 replies)
You were saying?
Science wins
Anti vaxxers btfo
>>13552155 >>13552195 I’m confused what does this mean
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>>13552163 Because like... 10... cus like.... that's double digits... because we like... have 10 fingers
Anonymous (10 replies)
is it scientifically ethical for cdc to be making tons of money in the vaccine business?
>>13552097 Except for the fact that it lied about the CDC making billions on patents, it spends that amount and more distributing vaccines and only makes a few million from licensing its patents.
>>13552100 >only makes a few million from licensing its patents. What makes you think the CDC is only making a fee million liscensing out vaccines that are going to sell for billions?
Also why the fuck is a tax payer funded company liscensing out patents in the first place instead of just making it public. Especially considering how important they keep telling everyone vaccines are.
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>>13552126 >What makes you think the CDC is only making a fee million liscensing out vaccines that are going to sell for billions? That's what the article says. What makes you think it's wrong?
>Also why the fuck is a tax payer funded company What company?
>Also why the fuck is a tax payer funded company liscensing out patents in the first place instead of just making it public. Why not recoup some costs from the companies that are going to make money selling the vaccines? You're saying the public should pay for the technology development and the vaccine while a private company makes money for nothing?
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>>13552097 >While the CDC receives royalties from licensees, this doesn’t mean that the CDC makes money from selling vaccines. uhhh
Anonymous (5 replies)
Does HCG make you hung? Also, are there any other benefits to taking it?
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take something that makes you stop spending every waking second trying to think up ways to please women. you aren't a woman, you don't know how they think or what they really want. spending your life wondering about how to please women and what they might be thinking will eventually turn you into a faggot. you have chosen the wrong path.
Anonymous (31 replies)
Why hasn't anyone tried to genetically engineer a tree of some sort that spreads cancerously fast and grows incredibly tall and large and sucks all of the carbon dioxide from the air?
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>>13545938 Bamboo grows fast
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>>13547640 Did you seriously type that garbage?
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>>13547640 I agree, lets do nothing instead.
You should reframe your question towards alge
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>>13551255 no, please don't. I like swimming in the ocean.
Anonymous (25 replies)
Is there any correlation between penis size and race?
>>13551193 >mentally adaptable Mentally anything isn't hereditary. Mental adaptability is also not IQ.
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>>13551199 Look Rushton pushed for the idea of K being correlated with higher IQ and he was a little miffed to find the data said it wasn't.
No the ability to adapt when presented with novel data is quite strongly correlated with IQ.
If I remember correctly r/K was only weakly correlated with IQ but still it contributes to overall personality traits especially at larger scale.
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>>13551199 >Mentally anything isn't hereditary Sure it is. Do you really think an ant has then same ability to adapt mentally as a human?
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>>13550616 yeah, your 2 inch dick is the """""averange"""""""
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>>13550616 Feeling insecure and demoralized from all the BBC posting?
Anonymous (5 replies)
I'm gonna try to self study a few areas of interest being:
1. Math
2. Basic physics
3. Basic electronics
4. Basic programming/algos
My plan is to read and use videos only on parts that need more in depth explanation. Anybody have one of those /sci/ book guides for the recommended books in these areas? My main goal is I want to build things using small controllers, learn math for fun/understanding stuff around me better, and brush up on physics for the same reason. For math if I've taken calc 2 around 7 years ago can I just jump back into calc 1 and relearn the trig/algebra as I go along? I have 0 experience in electronics/programming. Any tips from anyone who has self studied too?
Anonymous (6 replies)
>go to sleep
>wake up a few hours later
>feeling a burst of energy
>racing thoughts
>takes hours to get back to sleep again
>feel sleepy and tired the next day
This is getting fucking ridiculous. How do I stop being so excited for absolutely no fucking reason in the middle of the night?
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>>13551253 another self diagnosed ADHD lazy kid
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>>13551253 Are you actually dxed with it or is it possible that it's just mania?
>Hi I have ADHD and nothing is ever good enough to satisfy my sense of entitlement. I'm always distracted looking for something better. Life isn't fantastic enough for me, I demand more. You owe me!
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>>13552019 Not OP, but it's more like
>have ADHD >will never know what it's like to have cognitive function without meds >will always feel inadequate among peers >will second, third, and fourth guess every action and still forget something The memes make it seem like its just the lolsorandom brain bug. If only.
Anonymous (10 replies)
We're living in 2021.
Still there are no cures for illnesses. Why can't we cure things like:
Autoimmune diseases
Brain disorders
Genetic disorders
Hearing loss
The technology is advanced, but the medical care is still stuck in the stone age.
Why are humans so stupid. Why isn't anything happening?
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>>13550740 it's not progressing as fast as it should because too many old retarded boomers are holding too much wealth
they will die kek
>>13550740 Takes 2 years to research and develop a new drug or treatment. Takes 8-15 to test it and get it through the FDA, EU, Japan, etc. Hence anything less profitable than lifesaving drugs for orphan diseases, or least common denominator drugs like painkillers is put on the back burner.
>>13552005 Not anymore. The overwhelming success of the mRNA vaccines has revolutionized the industry. And don't forget a huge breakthrough in the computerized drug discovery technologies. It is no longer 8 to 15 years. More like 1-2 years.
Anonymous (22 replies)
ITT: we shit on MechEs for being a dime a dozen engineers. The sheep essentially of STEM.
Allowed: Any other type of Engineer. Aerospace Engineers are allowed to lurk. Physishits and Computer Scientists and Mathematicians are also welcome.
EE here. i've had to read CE applications for scholarships and grants as an old job. they are truly retarded, they write at a 9th grade level. I would gladly hang out with mengs. they probably won't take acid on a wednesday with you, but they are definitely more fun and well rounded.
>>13549561 CE people were always weirdos, ME and EE were always well rounded
>>13549742 I never met an EE in school that didn't just want to do nothing outside of class except smoke weed.
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>>13549745 because EE is black magic anyway
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>>13545367 >tfw fell for the control and automation meme