Threads by latest replies - Page 2907

(165 replies)
No.13543331 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is this a good or bad idea /sci/?
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No.13554154 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if nothing escapes a black hole, how do black holes evaporate?
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No.13542775 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

What do you all think about deacidifying the ocean via iron fertilization jump starting massive amounts of oceanic photosynthesis?
52 posts and 6 images omitted
(9 replies)

Approval recall mystery.

No.13551653 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was Vioxx recalled after FDA approval? It was only on the market for a few years and was one one the best selling drugs of all time but then the manufacturer suddenly stopped selling it. Why? Couldn't be due to safety issues, after all, it was FDA approved.
4 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13553959 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many of you believe there is a closed form solution for odd powers?!
(27 replies)
No.13549700 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Metaphysics is physics.
Physics explains the laws of the universe.
Physics uses math as a tool to explain the laws of the universe.
Math is a tool given by God to people in order to explain things.
So physics is the law of the universe.
You can determine the validity of experiments based on these laws.
There are laws that dictate how the universe works for example of the law of conservation of mass.
The law of causality dictates every effect has a cause.
So then obviously in order for anything to exist there has to be something that exists outside the law of causality.
That being is God.
Basic astrophysics.
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(11 replies)

Sequencing my own genome

No.13552615 ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a non-bio person (studied physics, work in CS), would I be able to sequence my own genome? If, say, I bought a minION just to use for myself at home? Or is there some complicated learning curve.

From what I understand I just need to prepare a sample (no idea what it takes to do that), and then put it into the machine, and the data come out on the computer. Is that all there is to it?
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No.13553868 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can I get better in pre-calculus without searching Brainly or Chegg?
(30 replies)
No.13549776 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do i learn about public health/epidemiological modeling?
25 posts and 2 images omitted