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No.13552383 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did the thyroid cartilage have to be so uncomfortable for us men?
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No.13554125 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Medical errors is the 3rd leading cause of death in America and yet people protest in the streets over police brutality. If anyone is going to kill you, its most likely to be a doctor.
Is the medical science community doing anything concrete or signifiant to address the increasingly common problem of accidentally murdering the patient or can we only expect the problem to get worse and worse?
what should be done to fix the issue?
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Strange sound

No.13554977 ViewReplyOriginalReport
listen to this sound And write what you felt
Did strange things happen or did something happen to you ?
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No.13551840 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If nuclear power plants have multiple reactors then would it make sense to swap out the reactors that are at the end of their life with new reactor designs until all of the old reactors are swapped out?

Red tape is likely to be the biggest hurdle in building new power plants, so why not place the new reactors where old reactors have been already approved? The towns that have the reactors know what would happen if all of the plant goes into complete shut down.

Also, would it make sense for the feds to operate a breeder reactor to reduce the current waste stockpile?

The nuclear waste is a national concern, and maybe once we've processed all of our waste we could accept our ally's high level waste, perhaps not only it would help repair our national reputation by helping everyone address their nuclear waste issue but we could also start stock piling nuclear fuel for a rainy day.
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No.13552750 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>still dont know how to do long division
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Science Fails, Californians suffer the consequences

No.13555356 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Climate scientists demanded California transition to "green energy" and now California doesn't have enough electricity
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No.13555400 ViewReplyOriginalReport
science niggers: muh science and technolojew is important, science gonna save the world and make star trek come true in irl life

also science niggers: it takes us twice as long and ten times as much money to build a space telescope now than it did in the 1980s

explain the discrepancy /sci/, how it science going to bring us the future if scientists are getting less competent as time passes?
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No.13555167 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why are the presence of trpytophan and the presence of tryptophanyl tRNA correlated? i understand the self regulating mechanism but not the correlation
(64 replies)
No.13540013 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Which linear algebra book to read after Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler?
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