Whenever I come up to the sea shore, the air around it smells salty. If there was a sea consisting of water and sugar, would it smell sweet?
Threads by latest replies - Page 2899
What is the biological explanation for zoophilia?
If genetic diversity is great for offspring health, then are white americans healthier than some random homogenous european ethnicity? I couldn't find anything on this subject.
However I also saw on the internet that there's an optimal genetic distance for reproduction, like 4th degree cousin, but can't find that anymore, which goes against the argument greater genetic diversity = better offspring.
However I also saw on the internet that there's an optimal genetic distance for reproduction, like 4th degree cousin, but can't find that anymore, which goes against the argument greater genetic diversity = better offspring.
Is there an actual scientific basis for ASMR? Are the "tingles" people talk about real or some autistic shit like anime?
I wish I could go back to high school where I was smarter than everyone.

38KiB, 530x356, 1349b13c6a9dd0cc7eb668433bbe1897--the-matrix-wake-up.jpg
> you die
> you wake up to this
> you wake up to this
Scientifically, what makes trannies want to be women?

16KiB, 400x225, 400x225_cmsv2_db4fff39-2646-55b7-9871-3c6361696187-4222034.jpg
Today most people find that silly but idk. What does science say about such practice? Does it unironically work, is it individual etc.
Tell me your thoughts, anon. I myself have troubles sleeping at night. One time I counted about 500 sheep and fell asleep, but dunno was it because of cattle digits or I'd just fall asleep anyway.
Tell me your thoughts, anon. I myself have troubles sleeping at night. One time I counted about 500 sheep and fell asleep, but dunno was it because of cattle digits or I'd just fall asleep anyway.
They did it! they finally did it! No more Nobody threads! All destroyed! yes! Finally