Threads by latest replies - Page 2887

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psych is causality

No.13559825 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The mind is an inherently subjective phenomenon. Trying to define something inherently subjective in objective terms is impossible. Feelings are objective.
(40 replies)
No.13559892 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My girlfriend is 146 cm and I am 186 cm, biologically speaking, how much risk is there that we might have a manlet son?
35 posts and 2 images omitted
(14 replies)
No.13554129 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Maybe there has been no proof of the riemann hypothesis because there is a zero not equal to real part of 0.5.

The first 10^24 zeros is nothing and there are examples of problems with counter examples well above 10^100 in math.
9 posts and 3 images omitted
(35 replies)

Was Einstein wrong?

No.13556656 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are Faster-than-light speeds really impossible?
Has anyone got any proves or conjectures against time relativity?
30 posts and 5 images omitted
(383 replies)

/sng/ - Solar Nuclear General, Premiere Edition

No.13547262 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/sfg/ - Space flight general presents /sng/
A general to discuss about
-solar vs nuclear for earth
-solar vs nuclear for inner and outer planets
-is fusion still a meme
and everything else!
378 posts and 68 images omitted
(5 replies)

Bit wasted, would like feedback on a theory (having a post-apocalypse fantasy

No.13561184 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thinking costs energy
Repetitive, monotonous songs numb the brain
Energy would be conserved
(5 replies)

What explains noninfectious virions?

No.13561146 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm not a biologist, I'm a mathematician. I'm studying some viral models recently and they use variables like infected and noninfected cells, antivirals' effectiveness, etc, but also infectious and noninfectious virions.
Now I think I got what virions are (viruses in a state where they haven't entered a cell), but why is there such a thing as "noninfectious virions"? Are these just the defective copies that can't infect by themselves or what?
Also please resources to study virology otherwise I'm fucked
(7 replies)
No.13560311 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do black men have high genetic fitness, making them desirable to white women?
2 posts omitted
(35 replies)

/fit/ here

No.13554029 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a 24 year old male, I run 50 miles per week and I'm healthy as a horse.
I have to get a vaccine for the pass, I don't care about efficiency at all.
Which vaccine has the least amount of bullshit?
30 posts and 7 images omitted
(5 replies)