Threads by latest replies - Page 2882

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No.13563209 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any scientific studies into happiness or is that a theological realm?
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No.13561633 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Races dont exis-
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No.13553758 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has the 'Axis of Evil' in cosmology been solved yet?
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No.13563158 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are the CDC reliable scientists?
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No.13562766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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How accurate is this?

No.13562409 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anything relevant lacking?
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No.13563185 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is they key to solving our rubbish issue is to treat it like used cooking oil, pop cans, road surface?

Used cooking oil used to be a produce that restaurant owners went to jail for illegally dumping it, today used cooking oil is kept under lock in bins because independent companies pay those restaurant owners to take it.

Road surfaces are ground up and the millings are given away to construction companies for free, the millings are then used by those construction companies in their own construction jobs such as driveway surfaces which eventually harden in a light duty surface that's good enough for cars or foot traffic.

There use to be a major pop & beer can pollution issue until programs were created where stores operate machines that collect & crush cans in bins. Aluminum is among the most recycled metals on the planet.
(11 replies)
No.13562671 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why do I afraid of ghosts even though I know they're not real?
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(1169 replies)

/sfg/ - Space Flight General: On the Moon Edition

No.13558302 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>13554791

Early staging due to image limit
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