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(6 replies)

Light is a partice, not a wave-particle

No.13566881 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's a particle that propagates like a wave. Wave is the way it propagates not what it is.

A wave on the sea is made of particles of water propagating in form of a wave. "Wave" is just the pattern of how it propagates.

Same with light.

This is a taboo in physics because it would cancel Einstein's Nobel.

"Particle" is the smallest part of something that can be divided in parts.

Light can be divided in photons, a particle.
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(18 replies)
No.13564115 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was hiking the other day, and found this mysterious sequence inscribed on a rock:
You know what I think? I think it's just a random string of numbers. That's my hypothesis, /sci/. What does Occam say about its power level?
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(6 replies)
No.13566957 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ bros... you're going to want to sit down for this one. Take a drink first.
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(9 replies)

Do hot things cool down faster than cold things warm up?

No.13566404 ViewReplyOriginalReport
To room temperature
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(8 replies)
No.13566185 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a brainlet trying to better his life through mathematics, I am starting to learn algebra for the first time and currently was taught how to factor polynomials with 3 terms. The one thing I don't get is, what does this even do? I can factor x^2+20x+100 to (x+10)^2 but why?
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(7 replies)

RH Thread

No.13565439 ViewReplyOriginalReport
RH is false. This thread is about the paper below, not the unrelated picture. All the items in the paper are specified by article number so if you want to comment on the result you should cite the three-number article specifier in the form
>Article X.Y.Z

Fractional Distance: The Topology of the Real Number Line with Applications to the Riemann Hypothesis
Recent analysis has uncovered a broad swath of rarely considered real numbers called real numbers in the neighborhood of infinity. Here we extend the catalog of the rudimentary analytical properties of all real numbers by defining a set of fractional distance functions on the real number line and studying their behavior. The main results of are (1) to prove with modest axioms that some real numbers are greater than any natural number, (2) to develop a technique for taking a limit at infinity via the ordinary Cauchy definition reliant on the classical epsilon-delta formalism, and (3) to demonstrate an infinite number of non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function in the neighborhood of infinity. We define numbers in the neighborhood of infinity as Cartesian products of Cauchy equivalence classes of rationals. We axiomatize the arithmetic of such numbers, prove all the operations are well-defined, and then make comparisons to the similar axioms of a complete ordered field. After developing the many underling foundations, we present a basis for a topology.
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(5 replies)

Kidney stones

No.13562192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can occasionally feel a sharp pain in my back, right where my kidney is. Is it over?
(10 replies)
No.13561094 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does the scientific model of the universe allow for bad things to happen? Shouldn't it be purely neutral, how does math and physics create feelings and emotions and objective morals and good and bad and right and wrong?
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(76 replies)

Reminder that these are the three greatest geniuses who've lived

No.13548551 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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(72 replies)

Elon Simp

No.13552489 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So is he just a massive elon simp or is he in on the musk charade?
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