>>13566474Completed Text:
my penis is like a hot water
faucet so it releases all of
all of the heat that's trapped
in there the pressure's high so
it opens wide and it just
opens all of my foreskin all of
my foreskin my cock gets out and
it goes like a waterfall down
down down my foreskin and then
it's just a stream of cum
that starts to run down my
foreskin and I think I've heard
people say oh well that's just
your normal ejaculation but it's
not like I would call that
normality because that's a lot of
force that you're putting on my
foreskin a little bit of that
pressure would kill an animal and
then I just look at you I look
you I just look at you and then
it's a stream of cum that just
spews out like that
you're just going to keep it up
you're just going to keep pouring
it out you're