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No.13567584 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone gotten a huge head rush after drinking a cup of tea with 5 Splenda packets and sucking on the leftover tea bag? I was drinking Starbucks earl gray tea which shouldn't have THAT much caffeine and I hadn't been eating properly for weeks perhaps a month when chewing on the tea bag have me this huge buzz and relaxation it felt like I was on something. Caffeine had never done this to me and I've drank hammerheads

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No.13566543 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Get the fucking vaccine.
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No.13543591 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are there actually any good examples of applied complex numbers? It just feels like a useless waste of time to me
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No.13563882 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If therapy, medication and experimental treatments for severe social phobia over a decade have failed to fix the issue, what is the next step?
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mask efficacy

No.13566324 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How efficient is wearing a surgical mask to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles?
From my humble research, the largest covid particle is 0.15 micrometers.
Aerosol particles are around less than 0.25 micrometers.
Masks supposedly are only efficient on particles 0.3 micrometers or above.
So simply, does that mean masks do not work at preventing the transmission of COVID? Please share with me some insight.
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Stateful Systems VS Systems With Memory

No.13567175 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In computer science, a system is stateful if it remembers preceding events and user interactions, and the remembered information is the state of the system.

Isn't this the identical to a system with memory in system analysis? A system with memory depends on previous inputs, the sequence of previous inputs is the memory of the system.
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No.13562931 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good morning, /sci/. I'm an ornithologist. I study birds. To be more specific, I study birds that live inside my house. In the course of my studies, I've been able to ascertain the following:

1. All the birds in my house are blue
2. All the birds in my house are like all the birds outside
Now, some of the non-ornithologists among you will tend to react with incredulity to these propositions, but I assure you -- they are indisputable in light of my third observation:
3. There are no birds in my house

This is a ground-breaking discovery, as I'm sure you understand; if all the birds in my house are blue, and all the birds outside are like the birds in my house, then all birds are blue. So, I was on my way to the local ornithology convention, thrilled to present my result, but then I stumbled upon an alarming sight: ugly BROWN sparrows nibbling on a discarded doughnut at the bus station. Ooops. Looks like I've disproved logic. I don't know how to feel about this. It's very intriguing, but I feel like I've bitten off more than I can chew. What do I do with this knowledge? Do I keep it to myself? Do I share it it with the world and cause untold chaos? Help me out, /sci/bros.
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No.13566060 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>lack of this in the brain is responsible for 90% of mental disorders
>almost never talked about and instead

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Jump processes with stochastic intensity

No.13554650 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone here that has some knowledge on stochastic analysis?

I'm avoiding creating an account on stackexchange, so I'm asking it here.

Any ppace where I can read about stochastic processes of the type

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