Threads by latest replies - Page 2867

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No.13568567 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/, why are scientists all so fat, ugly, foureye'd and bald?
if science is so admirable then why does science attract such hideous people?
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No.13567853 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can any chem fags confirm this is accurate?

Ive tried googling around heaps for information on air solubility and properties of hydrogen cyanide in the air but shit only pops up stuff about the aqueous solubility of actual air and other unrelated shit. Is gaseous solubility even a thing nigger?

I dont know much about the actual supposed gas cannister mechanism but i would have assumed the gas is already formed in the cannister and it merely releases the gas.
helping plox.
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No.13562981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
are there math for balancing two similar parts but "opposable" like legs and hands in a cycle motion like walking?

basically making sure the "center is balanced" using left and right kinemacy or something?
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quantum immortality/AI resurrection and buddhist monks

No.13568831 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would self-mummification,as practiced by some sects of japanese buddhism, be a good idea if we consider QI./omegapoint, or whatever secular,transhumanist form of immortality is true?
the DNA would be more preserved,the body almost intact,even the organs wouldnt me SO messy(remember the brain is an organ):
so,what do you folks think?ys
(24 replies)
No.13564110 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Evolutionarily speaking, why does tasty food tend to be bad for you?
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I'm asymptomatic?

No.13568633 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bene living 2 weeks with 2 sick family members eat the same food as them, the same restroom, etc. I have no symptoms, does this mean I would still need the vax?
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Iq and traffic

No.13567003 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is management of traffic a good metric of accessing the average iq of a region?

I notice places like India and Africa, which have very low average iqs, have abysmal traffic. Meanwhile high iq places like japan have very streamlined traffic
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No.13566614 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How realistic is carbon capture as a method to fight climate change?
34 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.13566240 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Relativity is for pseud quacks /general/