Threads by latest replies - Page 2864

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No.13569666 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a copy of the letter 4chan got from Congress today. Do you think this letter is scientifically engineered and intended to have "chilling effects" on people who post here?
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(499 replies)
No.13566777 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/sfg/ - Space Flight General
Robots edition. What kind of robots will be used on Martian colonies?
Previous: >>13562457
494 posts and 137 images omitted
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No.13568365 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just spilled my soifrappe vegan latte on myself because I was shaking from rage at the state of this board.

1. delete all the threads and posts that imply the vaccine isnt perfect. these are unscientific right wing zealots.
2. delete all threads relating to iq. it is an exclusionary trait and science should not support it because it enables hate.
3. add usernames, post history, and some kind of scoring system where we can vote on each others posts

thank you and remember, flatten the curve.

#noplatformforracism #noplatformforwrongthink
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I guess didn't age well

No.13569287 ViewReplyOriginalReport
but please, explain
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(128 replies)
No.13569091 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Get the fucking vaccine.
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No.13569531 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/, I got some research questions for you. I know most of you won't pretend to answer seriously but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways.

Background Info: please state your…
>1. Age
>2. Biological sex and gender identity
>3. Race
If you prefer not to disclose one or more of these pieces of information, simply state “I prefer not to say”.

Situation A: You are walking down the sidewalk. You notice that, up ahead, there is a person on the same stretch of sidewalk. They are walking towards you.

Questions pertaining to Situation A:
>1. Without any additional context pertaining to Situation A, what do you do (e.g., “keep walking”, “cross the street”, etc.)?
>2. Does your answer for Question A1 depend on the setting of Situation A (e.g., time of day, number of people within eye- or ear-shot)? How so?
>3. Does your answer for Question A1 depend on the (assumed) sex of the individual? How so?
>4. Does your answer for Question A1 depend on the (assumed) race of the individual (e.g., “black”, “white”, etc.)? How so?
>5. What other, if any, *visible* characteristics of the individual might affect your answer to Question A1?
>6. Without any regard for the connotation of the word “discrimination”, do you personally consider your answers to Questions A1-5 to be discriminatory (e.g., “racist”, “sexist”, etc.)? Why or why not?
>7. Of all the possible answers to Questions A1-5, which, if any, do you personally consider to be discriminatory?
>8. Given the spectrum of possible answers to Questions A1-7, what, if any, purely objective measures do you think can be used to determine whether or not an action is discriminatory, and to what degree?

Thank you for your time.
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No.13562557 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will this finally solve the incel disease?
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How scientific is computer "science"?

No.13566120 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's be real, they don't even study any natural phenomena, they just play around on computers
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are mRNA vaccines really safe?

No.13569649 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am planning on getting a viral vector vaccine so I can get back to work. I refuse Pfizer only because to my logic, an injection of foreign mRNA into your body is not natural, while insertion of a weakened virus in order to form antibodies is more natural (which is done within the traditional viral vector vaccines). Is there any existing evidence that this mRNA injection is safe and doesnt remove itself from the body to further alter proteins made by your body? How do people know theres no long term negative effects? Should I still stick to AstraZenecas viral vector vaccine? I hate all of this shit and need help I would never consider getting vaccinated but I have to for my family.

Thanks in advance anon
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No.13568292 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's up with boomers making faces like this when photgraphed? Is that some sort of brain thing or do they just have breathing problems
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