Threads by latest replies - Page 2862

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No.13567648 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the difference between an orgasm during sex v an orgasm from masturbation?
Why does masturbating negatively affect testosterone production and dopamine sensitivity when sex positively affects them?
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(6 replies)

What is the pattern

No.13570166 ViewReplyOriginalReport
127, 130, 129, 132, 167, 174, 169, 176, 231, 242, 233, 244, 335, 350, 337, 352, 463, 482, 465, 484, 631, 654, 633, 656, 823, 850, 825, 852, 1055, 1086, 1057, 1088, 1311, 1346, 1313, 1348
I know there is an explanation in terms of groups of four and differences of differences. But there is a simple underlying pattern I don't know. Think it is related to binary since past 128^2 it shifts by 128.
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(10 replies)
No.13569932 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How trustworthy are our scientific institutions in current year? What kind of danger does it pose to our society if they are deemed untrustworthy and no longer fit for purpose?
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I really like set theory and venn diagrams

No.13566701 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(22 replies)

What is the scientific way to deal with women?

No.13568281 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The advancement of women is a danger for the society to transcend. We need to have a radical approach by giving women a law that prohibiting them to wear explicit dress or dress that can attract other dominant creature.
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No.13560287 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is this scientifically accurate?
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Covid didn't come from a lab

No.13570209 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trust the science, chuds.
(13 replies)

Flat Earth

No.13562236 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Eric Dubay's videos and the website have got me looking into this.

ITT discuss why or why not the earth is flat, proofs one way or the other, and the implications of the conclusion.
>there has never been a legitimate photograph of the entire earth from "space"
>it is illegal to go to antarctica except for a tiny tour around the islands near south america
>there has never been a real video recorded of other planets
>"shooting stars" NEVER fall upwards
>all stars revolve perfectly around Polaris and have done so for thousands of years with absolutely zero deviation
>objects falling can be explained by density
>horizons are explained by perspective
>the horizon is always at eye level no matter what height you're at
>planes fly in indirect, nonsensical paths for a globe model earth but logical ones for a flat model

Alright /sci/fags, I need your help to debunk these points by flatards. I'm retarded when it comes to science so i'll need your help.
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No.13569903 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should exams be graded on a curve?