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No.13568811 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any biomedical companies out there researching penis enlargement?

Given the monetary incentive, isn't this something that should be actively researched?
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No.13547673 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
does /sci/ have a meme collection?
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Vaccine Inflammation of the Heart Muscle

No.13567851 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whats that? Heart Inflammation wasn't a conspiracy theory all along?

>"There are emerging reports from the UK and other countries of rare but serious adverse events, including myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart), following the use of Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 and Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccines in younger adults."

Remind me again why we have Standards used to measure long term effects of Vacines.
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No.13570399 ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone here enough of a science expert to answer this without using a search engine?
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No.13569670 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There cannot be attracting forces between elementary particles. Its illogical to think there would be a mechanism on-distance that would pull.

What really is happening that the outside aether is pushing them together. We are kept in solid state by the aether pressure.

Should this pressure go away, we would be explodely dis-integrated.

Discursion of subject.
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No.13570524 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just got my first fauchi ouchie and I felt absolutely nothing, 3hrs later and still nothing. Is this normal?
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How can you calculate gravity at a distance on imaginary planets?

No.13568682 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So me and my friend were discussing how strong would the gravity be on the surface of an earth that is 10x as massive, but just as dense as the normal one. He simply claimed that it'd be around 2 to 3g cause "he studied it" and acted smug about it. So I went and did some research of my own because that number sounded absurdly low to me.
Pic related is the place where I got the formula from, and I understood it moderately fine, but the part that fucked me was the N . m2 /kg2, which i didn't get how to use or determine exactly.
The data for that planet is that its radius is 13.725km (surface height to the center) and its mass is 5,97x10^27kg.
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No.13570455 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> to keep the length of this new edition reasonable, Chapters __ to __ have been moved online as downloadable PDF files.
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No.13570023 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just got the jab. I had no choice.
26 posts and 2 images omitted