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No.13570507 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is adding a negative the same as subtracting?

If I asked you to "achieve the number 100 by only adding numbers ending with 7", would the answer 117 plus negative 17 (117 + -17) be a valid answer?

I'm not subtracting, I'm simply adding a negative? The question doesn't limit numbers to positive?
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No.13568432 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts on this diet? The most obvious thing is the amount of chocolate, which contains magnesium (offsetting the calcium in the milk). The coffee supplies potassium (offsetting sodium) and copper. Is there anything else about this diet that could have helped her live so long?
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rambling sophomore nonsense schizopost from soemone who just vaugely learned about E=mc^2

No.13571611 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When something is "divided by zero", a lot of the time, this can basically mean an explosion or blackhole or other such unusual things. Or at least, thats hoe I understood it. It means something "didnt work", but this likely also means "something happened".

If time is malleable, could you not break it? What, then, would happen? Would everything just disappear? Would multiple futures occur at once?

Time is relative.... What if you made the change in the relativity of time (I dont know if this makes sense...) exponential? What if you applied something modelled with x^-1 to it? What if you took a really high relative time value and a really low relative time value and... like fucking... related them to each other... like have the same thing happen in different ways...

If something speeds up to the speed of light its like being stationary... Can time be stopped?... Coukd you do sormthing where time/space had no choice but to do something unusual? And if you did that, would it freeze, cause things to cease to be, or variously slow and speed things up?

Also, how tf do physicists even live like this? Jesus fuck make it stop. I cant even keep track of my own thoughts now. Maybe its just that I'm dumb and schizo.
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Mixing Biontech and Novavax

No.13571820 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My mom got the first Bioshot unfortunately and I just learned about this protein-based vaxx Novavax that basically has as little risk as, say a Hepatitis vaccine (which is to say literally none). Maybe I can convince her to wait until it's out and get Novavax as her 2nd shot but do you think those can be mixed? I find literally nothing on this.
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No.13570804 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"The only known IQ test of Nazi Leaders was conducted by Dr. Kelly during Nuremberg trials. 21 candidates were picked from high ranking officials"

"All who were tested demonstrated above average IQ’s. A number of them had very high scores. The average of all 21 Nazi leaders was 128, nearly two standard deviations smarter than the average person"
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No.13571715 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If doctors are cool people who don't fewer people die over time?
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No.13571505 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we talk about how stupid religion is?
If you could think for just one second you will start realizing that all Christians Jews and Muslims believe in stupid fairy tales that make no sense at all.

>Adam and Eve
What happens to a family of inbreds who only fuck each other's siblings?
According to the bible, 6000 years ago the earth was made. God made Eve from Adam's rib and together they had inbred babies that fucked each other's inbred siblings for generations.

>Noah's ark.
Only two of every animal get on a giant boat. More inbreeding occurs
You're a fucking retard if you don't understand basic biology. What do lions and wolves eat? OTHER ANIMALS. If you had a single working brain cell you would realize what happens when you bring prey and predators together. The world's greatest extinction event to ever happen would occur within 5 seconds after the all animals got off the boat

>A virgin gave birth to Jesus
Why doesn't anyone mention that Mary was only twelve? It's almost as fucked up as when Mohammad raped his nine year old wife.
It's complete bullshit. You don't need to be a doctor to know that you need sperm to make a baby. Someone fucked a twelve year old, claimed it was God's magic sperm to hide the embarrassment and thus created a new religion.

>Muhammad creates islam
One day, an illiterate merchant hears God's voice while sitting in a cave. The voice tells him that he must create his own religion and to kill anyone that gets in his way. Millions are slaughtered and the islamic empire is formed. He later rides a donkey into heaven and talks with God.

>Balaam's Donkey
Balaam starts beating his donkey so bad that God gave the donkey the ability to speak in human language. That's right God gave a fucking donkey the ability to speak so that his owner could stop beating him.
It's both hilarious and sad that billions of people across the world completely lack critical thinking skills and wind up believing in this bullshit all the way to their graves.
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Is 0 K really the absolute limit?

No.13567114 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What if we could go further below?
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No.13571343 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can religion be considered psychosis?
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