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No.13572728 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which vaccine can turn me into anime girl?
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No.13568769 ViewReplyOriginalReport

>human-level AI by 2029
>superintelligent AI by 2045
>humans decide universe's fate

Is Ray Kurzweil right?
9 posts omitted
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No.13572713 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Orgofag here, first week of classes. Is it even possible for someone like me to understand why the Pauli exclusion principle is taken seriously? My textbook practically accepts it as fact, but the doesn't seem to be a reason for it, other than "it needs to happen". I'm not satisfied with this explanation.
(13 replies)

AIDS doesn't exist and HIV is a harmless virus

No.13572473 ViewReplyOriginalReport
COVID-19 doesn't exist and SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist
8 posts and 6 images omitted
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Washing machines are science

No.13571664 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the drum size really an honest indication of how much you can wash at once, or is it exaggerated for marketing purposes?

I have an 8kg machine, and have been weighing my loads before I put them in. I have found that when I put in about 4kg (dry), it physically fills up the machine more than 3/4. If I put any more than that, the clothes just don't have space to move properly, and the water and detergent have a hard time penetrating into the centre of the load of clothes - basically, any more than 4kg and it seems like the clothes just wouldn't get washed properly.

Am I just being paranoid (i.e., 8kg would wash just fine and I am worried for no good reason)?
Or am I right and an 8kg machine is in reality no more than a 4kg machine? I struggle to see how I would even physically fit 8kg of dry clothes in there in the first place seeing as 4kg nearly fills it up.
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Algeibraic notation

No.13572018 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Algeibraic notation - book/articles + exercises that explain it?
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No.13567322 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any difference in how mathematicians/ physicists/ engineers integrate a function?
9 posts and 1 image omitted
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Help from a science person

No.13572598 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last two weeks I stayed at a shady hostel. Last week I noticed burning when I urinated and went to the doctor. Turns out I was dehydrated and had a UTI. They ran a test and call me to tell me I have chlamydia.

I haven't had sex in a month, and the last person I was with was my LTR and we were both clean on our last check up.

During my time at the hostel I noticed one of the workers always had blood in his private area. And there were a couple of times that my penis touched the BOWL, NOT JUST THE TOILET SEAT.
I am beyond freaking out.Is there a way that this could have happened? Or should I assume I was raped? Also went to another place where they do a RNA testing of the urine.
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