Threads by latest replies - Page 2844

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No.13563352 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
yo help me finish this shit
124 posts and 21 images omitted
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No.13575660 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I am underweight, is it ok to eat to being somewhat uncomfortably full on a fairly regular basis?

I mostly graze through the day and then like to eat a large variety of things later in the night before bed and tend to get more full than I would like. I try to reason that "I need the calories so it can't be that bad", but are there any hidden issues? Am I giving myself the beetus?
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science of productivity.

No.13572484 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the average working focus time you can get from the brain every day on an average human?

I wanna know if I should worry about being a procastinating faggot and not get much more than 3-5 hours of work every day.

How can I improve my productivity?
Better tools that make me faster?
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No.13569944 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why dos the United States have so many Nobel Prize winners?
33 posts and 5 images omitted
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No.13573779 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What evolutionary selective pressure has led to pic rel?
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No.13576028 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Saw this on facebook. Clearly it's crank mathematics, but I'm no mathematician and I can't put my finger on exactly what's wrong with it. I was thinking that perhaps it could be shown to be inconsistent somehow. Regardless, it seems obvious that this system would be very inconvenient to use, seeing as solutions are proliferated every time you multiply anything.

Any thoughts?

There's also a paper here, published in some open-access non-journal:
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No.13575919 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which of these properties affect ASMR immunity the most?
>ear wax
>blood pressure
>presence of mind
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