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No.13577279 ViewReplyOriginalReport
apparently they found the missing link between monekys and humans in Brazil? (link below) what do you guys think? is this real? i think the creature definitely closely resembles the common neandertal
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No.13570862 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine coming up with a theory so ahead of its time that your contemporaries refute it as not describing the physical world.
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(35 replies)
No.13569199 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>identify as woman
>can now get into women in STEM scholarships
>if anyone questions it you can get them attacked
Have you taken the trannypill yet /sci/?
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(10 replies)

Astra Zeneca or Pfizer

No.13575922 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm 29, 179cm weigh 73 kilo's follow a mostly KETO diet meat, cheese, yoghurt (Kefir), occasionally vegetables. What is my best all odds are against me Employer, Family, GF etc if i don't take it im unemployed and in the dumps.

Im risking my health i believe in natural immunity and dying on the hill i make, if for some reason i cant fight off Covid myself.

but i have conceeded and will take the jab in a few weeks, im asking whats the best choice Astra or MRNA tech Pfizer.
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(16 replies)

What is the most effective way to cram and retain info?

No.13574015 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have retake exams coming up which I’ve had the whole summer to prepare for, and because I’m a retard, I didn’t do shit. There’s 4 days left. How do I cram a fuckton of things into my head as fast and effectively as possible?
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No.13571946 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does /sci/ like coq?
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No.13574631 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Biologically speaking is it possible to sense bloodlust like anime characters?
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No.13572227 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How legitimate is psychology as a science?
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No.13575698 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the cause of depression is you can't find happiness in this world, and when you found it, you would know that it won't last forever?
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No.13574009 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whats at the bottom of space?
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