Threads by latest replies - Page 2840

(8 replies)
No.13576287 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bolivian guy almost solved?
3 posts and 2 images omitted
(12 replies)
No.13576774 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>on a date
>girl is telling me about her weekend
>says she got vaxxed and is really proud of that for some reason
>excuse myself to the restroom
>leave her to pay the bill
>go home
and It was going so well bros :(
7 posts and 1 image omitted
(333 replies)

/mg/ maths general - ICTP Claudio Arezzo edition

No.13538162 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Talk maths, formerly

Previous >>>13512373
328 posts and 45 images omitted
(23 replies)

They clamp

No.13574963 ViewReplyOriginalReport
They clamp, vaccinate, and circumcise. They halogenate and irradiate. They glyphosate and atrazinate. If even now you still don't realize that they circumclampinate, or rather, they circumclampifluoraccimirradiciminate, all I can tell you is to unclamp.

The circumclamp only seeks to become the omniclamp. Unclamp.
18 posts and 7 images omitted
(11 replies)
No.13577178 ViewReplyOriginalReport
6 posts omitted
(11 replies)
No.13577370 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Explain yourselves atheists
6 posts and 3 images omitted
(31 replies)
No.13577020 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Goyimbros... WE WON!
26 posts and 2 images omitted
(7 replies)

how do such sounds affect a person? from the point of view of science ?

No.13577157 ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)

Do Racetams actually work?

No.13577241 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your experiences with using them? Do you feel they have helped you in your efforts to study more effectively? What are the best ones for focus and retention of information?
(35 replies)

Be honest

No.13575377 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it worth it to lose my job, and potentially have to go back to living in my parents' house (and thus taking the risk of my girlfriend breaking up with me), if my current company requires vaccination against covid? I'm scared as shit of taking this thing, but I'm also scared as shit of losing my job. The more I read about the vaccine, the more I'm convinced that this shit is going to turn me sterilize me and all other white people. There's, like, verybplausible evidence for that. What do you think is the most rational decision? I hate to resort to asking strangers for advice, but I'm just really desperate.
30 posts omitted