Threads by latest replies - Page 2838

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No.13576810 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Why do people still don't validate transgenderism, Gender Theory is a popular and accepted in the scientific consensus, The World Health Organisation no longer sees homosexuality or transgenderism as a mental illness, THE DSM doesn't also act that being LGBTQ+ is a problem, like going against the LGBTQ+ research is the same as going against vaccines.

Also /pol/ chuds not welcomed here.
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phd problems

No.13578280 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/, having some difficulty with my phd. I started about 3.5 years ago. I lost my first 1.25 years and had to change subfields because I had a shitty advisor who was insane and when he lost some funding, he kicked me and 2 other people out of his lab.

After basically my first year wasted, I found my current advisor. I've been in his lab for 2 years now and don't have a single first author publication (which is pretty shitty for someone close to their 4th year in engineering).

I can feel my advisor getting frustrated with me. The issue is that he put me on a project which we thought would be easy and yield a quick publication. In reality, every intuitive solution we've tried has not worked. I think deep down my advisor thinks that there are bugs in my code, but for whatever reason doesn't say this straight-forwardly. I feel like he prefers my labmates and tries to avoid talking to me as much as possible (because he probably thinks I'm incompetent). I know for a fact that he responds to my labmates' emails within 24 hours, but often takes 3-4 days to get back to me.

He's a nice guy and has funded me so far, but I fear he's going to get pissed off eventually and just say I'm no longer worth the investment. I don't know what to do. The project was his idea and when we meet, he doesn't have any greater insight into solving it than I do. I feel like he's taking shit out on me in a passive-aggressive way. I'm trying to work by myself on my own ideas (an unrelated project), but that always takes lots of time. Ideally I would discover something and solve it, then show him. He's a very "academic" introverted person, so I don't know how to tell him know, this isn't my fucking fault and this is just as important to me as you (if not more, because I need papers to graduate).

I once asked him if he wanted me to send him weekly updates and he basically said no and that I should just work more closely with my labmate.

WTF do I do /sci/?
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No.13577721 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how did we get a full size image of milky way?
I don't think we've ever been outside it.
is it all just CGI again?
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No.13576842 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does an increase in dietary cholesterol increase the risk of heart atttack?
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No.13574245 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are there people who deny the existence of human races?
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metallic water

No.13576227 ViewReplyOriginalReport
have to post link to article after this due to anti spam system being retarded.

pulling a low vacuum with a potassium/sodium alloy being dropped through a needle valve,

then having another needle valve do about 1 millionth of a millibar pressure of water,

in the vacuum space with the drop of sodium/potassium alloy results in results in metallic water!
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No.13576387 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>it's 2021
>you still can't gene-edit yourself into a GigaChad
why are we scientifically stagnant?
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(24 replies)
No.13577594 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are vaxtards mentally ill?
Why do they want everyone to get the vax if they're already protected by it?
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