Threads by latest replies - Page 2837

(22 replies)
No.13574747 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is spinning turbines with hot steam really the best thing we could do?
17 posts and 1 image omitted
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Are viruses the infected cell?

No.13579044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are virions just it's "reproductive spores", so to speak, their equivalent to our sperm cells?
Or are viruses the virions after entering a cell?
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No.13578955 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does science support reincarnation?
(139 replies)
No.13560905 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
for what purpose?
134 posts and 14 images omitted
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Pfizer VS Moderna 42% Vs 76 %

No.13576768 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mayo Clinic study of the delta variant.
Moderna comes on top. Meanwhile pfizer is useless.
1 post omitted
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do we have quantum jedi powers?

No.13578106 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13578720 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're telling me that a baby has to go through that tiny hole? Wtf? From an evolutionary perspective, why is childbirth so difficult?
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No.13577185 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What kind of power source could it have used?
3 posts omitted