Threads by latest replies - Page 2835

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No.13575080 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/sci/ humor thread
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Targeted individual finally gets scientific evidence

No.13578537 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Targeted individuals have been discussing directed energy weapons years prior to the now well-known Havana syndrome attacks against U.S. diplomats and federal agents but have so far been unable to produce scientifically verifiable evidence of these alleged attacks. This guy appears to be one of the first to have succeeded in some degree at producing that evidence.

>For that analysis, I rented the Narda NBM 550; it is an industrial-strength, wideband radiofrequency measurement device (that retails at $30,000-$40,000 with probes). Over a period of a month I kept careful measurements of the frequency I was exposed to using the NBM 550.
>What I found is that I was routinely exposed to frequency 1000x problematic EMF levels. It was not uncommon that I saw readings of 400 mW/m2 and higher. Patrick van der Burght (an authority on radiation assessment in homes) describes here that a 0.01 mW/m2 RF reading as ideal in the home and a 0.3 mW/m2 reading as potentially problematic possibly requiring shielding. The 400 mW/m2 levels I was exposed to are more than1000x this frequency level.
>The FCC uses a higher standard for determining ‘acceptable levels’. The FCC puts out guidelines on maximum exposure of frequency (“Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) — from §1.1310”). According to their guidelines, the maximum exposure for frequencies between 1.5 GHz and 100 GHz is 5 mW/m2. Even by this standard, the frequency levels I’m seeing are 40–80x the maximum permissible levels.


So is this guy being attacked with directed energy weapons? He could have followed his initial experiments up with a control group or even an attempt at locating the transmitter with a directional antenna, but so far this is the most compelling evidence I've seen. What do you think, /sci/?
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No.13579756 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Explain to me the math behind the big bang theory
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No.13578939 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a PhD in chemistry, mid 30's, single. I do very much enjoy my research position (I'm in a postdoc which pays about $70k, but will likely move on to a job that pays around $100k when I finish in ~1 year), but now that I'm out of grad school and money is an actual thing that is at least somewhat accessible to me, and matters in the pursuit of a girlfriend-->wife-->kids, I'm starting to become very self-conscious about my decisions, and the fact that I could have jerked off through a CS degree and gotten a $250k job at 21 like everybody else did during the social media boom.

I like chemistry, I like research, but I feel that I shouldn't because of how much less pure science pays than other careers. How do I muster some pride over my accomplishments, and keep going? I don't have the time to go back to school and study other things just so I can become a virtual basedmilk developer at 40.
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(57 replies)

chess IQ

No.13572512 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Can I increase my IQ by playing chess?
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(158 replies)
No.13579026 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Get the fucking vaccine.
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intelligent ai/supergenius and inevitable evil

No.13579594 ViewReplyOriginalReport

if you could do everything perfectly
and the only thing driving you was hunger or rage
why would you ever help anything that would ever pose a danger to you?
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Freud vs Jung

No.13579332 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who was in the wrong here?
(80 replies)

Why do so many people fall for his grift?

No.13578039 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just watched pic related. Why does /sfg/ go all reddit mode on his tinkerware? He's so smart that not even physics apply to him. Not even reddit defends muh space man peoples billionaire. How is he still getting government contracts? I mean lobbyists really own this country if he can get NASA and other government organisations to subsidies his "ambitions". All his companies are built on leeching off government subsidies while promising scifi sequence tech for midwit "science lovers". Highly recommend you watch the video if you're a musklet.
75 posts and 14 images omitted
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No.13578867 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is there an evolutionary advantage to now having four arms?
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