Threads by latest replies - Page 2833

(6 replies)
No.13579394 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am not an incel, I am a micelle.

I hate water and polarities.
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(26 replies)

Are you over 20?

No.13575060 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are older than Galois ever was?
21 posts and 1 image omitted
(6 replies)
No.13580005 ViewReplyOriginalReport
First year physics major getting filtered by proofs.
How do I stop this? How do I come up wirh proofs on the fly?

P.S What other STEM degree doesnt require writing proofs?
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(8 replies)
No.13580227 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why are we attracted to gluteus?
3 posts and 2 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.13580069 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've made millions of dollars and still I feel poor. What wrong with my brain? I know I'm fucked up, but what is causing this?
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No.13579922 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What book is for lonely poor incel that obsessed with power and women?
(6 replies)
No.13580279 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mental illness is a side effect of the vaxx
this explains so much
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No.13577334 ViewReplyOriginalReport
science is the cause of this unnecessary tragedy.
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No.13575976 ViewReplyOriginalReport
prove that incest has any downsides.
protip: you cant

big wife has been lying to you about fucking your mom for decades
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(38 replies)

Why no contact tracing

No.13573142 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need answers. I am no antivaxxer but it's getting ridiculous with mandates and 3rd dose talks around the world. Consider that the side effects are not negligable what other option is there?
Well what about digital contact tracing. I read a bunch about it and the only problem with it is that there are privacy concerns. I would consider that a minor issue in comparison with the tens of thousands who have strong negative side effects from the vaccine. What I read suggested that it was a very effective method to combat the pandemic so why is there no tracing mandate but politicians want to mandate the vaccine. Also the tracing was ready for worldwide use in may 2020, can be adapted to every new variant and costs virtually nothing. I can't find a good explanation except stupidity, corruption or incompetence. Do you know more about this situation?
33 posts omitted