Threads by latest replies - Page 2823

(5 replies)
No.13583989 ViewReplyOriginalReport
need help knowing scientific models/tools required to balance the position of body parts of a walking mechanism of sorts(mostly legs and hands) in simulation/animation

like pictured, the walking mechanism tends to fail to balance the left and right parts and will unwantedly produce limping or wobbling... Are there models to minimize these problems? particularly just finding the right position of one parts relative to one another (or to the parent root body/center) so to produce the wanted 'cycles' and its variety.
(8 replies)
No.13584052 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How is one supposed to get “academic references” ?

I literally made no contact with any of my professors
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(22 replies)

simulation theory is real! wake up! we are in a matrix computer simulation!

No.13576721 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(15 replies)
No.13579065 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I make my own nuclear bomb at home?
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(20 replies)
No.13577851 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw all of my engineering professors are women
why is so hard to find a stern male professor nowadays. i'm tired of these goddamn women and their le quirky personalities.
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(34 replies)
No.13564657 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I supposed to accept the coppenhagen interpretation of QM as given?
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(11 replies)
No.13576727 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the science on the effects of mold? Does it hurt your cognitive abilities?
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(8 replies)
No.13579192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the sun is essentially a collection of atomic explosions, why do I constantly hear statistics about the "surface" of the sun?
Wouldn't that "surface" be as vague and stratified as an explosion's "surface?"
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(14 replies)

Joscha Bach

No.13581564 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw his podcast with Lex and I didn't understand shit. This guy sounds like some new-age schizo
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(19 replies)

ancient dog headed race existed

No.13577704 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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