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(14 replies)

Dear math fellows, Most useful math courses in the university

No.13586084 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, im going to study Msc. Theoritical Mathematics, but i only have a single semester, so id like to have only the most useful/interesting classes. Im working in ML field with a CS Bsc. degree, next year ill be studying Biology,

So /sci/-entlemens thank you for reading my blog, id like to hear your experiences, which courses was useful for you?
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(43 replies)

How safe is it?

No.13582357 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> 2 years later people start dying like cockroaches cuz it messes DNA in a bad way

It takes years to develop a vaccine for a reason and 90% of planet pop will end up doing the "vaccine" which is tested for a few months.

Tell me a guarentee scientific reason it wont mess the human DNA and people wont start dropping like cockroaches within 1-5 years. You cant, it hasnt been 1-5 years we are basically lab rats being forced to do something we havent tested that is only supposed to work on paper.
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(5 replies)
No.13585533 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you wear glasses? Is so you have low IQ and shouldn't be in the sciences. Big brains are able to comprehend all the pixels then see without outside assistance. Glasses are like putting your brain in a wheelchair, if you need to do that to get by then you have low IQ.
(17 replies)

Question that /sci/ is too dumb to answer

No.13584984 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the domain and range of pic related?
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(10 replies)
No.13585203 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which other chans have a /sci/ board? Preferably interested in the ones that aren't compromised 2/3 of covid and other baitposts.
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(32 replies)
No.13577581 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Retard here. Someone explain this image to me
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No.13584350 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What dictates the path of a fly in an empty room, Brownian Motion?
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No.13583730 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does aluminium affect cognitive abilities? Why was it suspected of causing Alzheimer's?
(6 replies)
No.13585217 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>1 shot at life
>121 IQ
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(13 replies)

Do you think that the selfish gene exists?

No.13585194 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I will never be able to afford to go to space so I want the space program to come to an end, and I would also want to use that money to address issues that I personally find to be a burden such as those annoying homeless men on the side off the road who wave signs.

If you disagree with my thinking process then you're simply out of touch with society to the point that if you have children then I fear for their well being.
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