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Anonymous (14 replies)
Hey, im going to study Msc. Theoritical Mathematics, but i only have a single semester, so id like to have only the most useful/interesting classes. Im working in ML field with a CS Bsc. degree, next year ill be studying Biology,
So /sci/-entlemens thank you for reading my blog, id like to hear your experiences, which courses was useful for you?
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>>13586084 it would trouble me if you haven't taken linear algebra, so if you haven't, that is the very first math class you should take.
if you are doing ML, then signal processing would be a great addition
need more suggestions?
>>13586084 Measure theory and functional analysis are easy recommendations. Statistical learning theory is also pretty easy to recommend. Anon, this should really be obvious to you if you are where you say you are.
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>>13586364 Oh, I meant take those during your masters in math.
As far as before, be sure you’re comfortable with basic probability theory up to characteristic functions, basic real analysis up to Riemannian integration theory, and linear algebra.
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>>13586383 Test passed, you may move on now.
Anonymous (43 replies)
> 2 years later people start dying like cockroaches cuz it messes DNA in a bad way
It takes years to develop a vaccine for a reason and 90% of planet pop will end up doing the "vaccine" which is tested for a few months.
Tell me a guarentee scientific reason it wont mess the human DNA and people wont start dropping like cockroaches within 1-5 years. You cant, it hasnt been 1-5 years we are basically lab rats being forced to do something we havent tested that is only supposed to work on paper.
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>>13582743 Vaccin isnt supposed to make you 100% immune to covid, you can still catch it, especially "the variant" you just "survive" it better.
>>13582551 the brain of the average vaxxer everyone
>>13582809 Ironic considering how well vaccination rates and IQ correlate
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>>13582391 You can just step in front of a train, they'll mark it down as a death by corona anyway
Anonymous (5 replies)
Do you wear glasses? Is so you have low IQ and shouldn't be in the sciences. Big brains are able to comprehend all the pixels then see without outside assistance. Glasses are like putting your brain in a wheelchair, if you need to do that to get by then you have low IQ.
>>13585533 Go on, comprehend the pixels and reproduce the text in the image.
>>13585664 I can comprehend that its a totally worthless shitpost because its a nu-wojack infantilized humor image
>>13585664 angry malformed four eyed mutant
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>>13585957 >>13586024 >can't read it You have low IQ and shouldn't be in the sciences. Big brains are able to comprehend all the pixels.
Anonymous (17 replies)
What is the domain and range of pic related?
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>>13585505 Are you fucking retard
Q is a subset od R, which is a subset of C
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>>13585425 Actually it's all of C. The exponential of the denominator is always nonzero
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coffe is good for you.
Anonymous (10 replies)
Which other chans have a /sci/ board? Preferably interested in the ones that aren't compromised 2/3 of covid and other baitposts.
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>>13585203 >let me go ruin another website no
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>>13585203 Do you speak Russian or Chinese?
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>>13585203 >this board has gone to shit >posts another shit thread instead of a good one
Anonymous (32 replies)
Retard here. Someone explain this image to me
>>13577581 "There are no facts, only interpretations"
- Metal Gear Solid V
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>>13579977 (checked)Almost poetic.
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>>13577581 It's a cylider that is only capable of reflecting light that already has been reflected.
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>>13585687 There's what they want to hear, everything else, and then the truth!
-A. Fauci
Anonymous (11 replies)
What dictates the path of a fly in an empty room, Brownian Motion?
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>>13584350 fly in an empty room wouldn't do shit
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>>13584449 A fly is a witness to it's own existence, though?
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>>13584350 The fly's brain
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>>13584494 You have no evidence to back that up
Anonymous (5 replies)
does aluminium affect cognitive abilities? Why was it suspected of causing Alzheimer's?
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>>13583766 >But it has admitted making unauthorized discharges of rainwater that might have mixed with bauxite dust and caustic soda traces. Because they dump the same shit they use to make lye and melt meat off specimen bones. It's what's used to CREATE aluminum. Aluminum is pretty inert and will not be digested by the body or turn into something worse. The only thing that would happen is it gets stuck and becomes the one of many internal cysts we all have somewhere or another in our body.
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>>13583730 Aluminium bonds with the cells in your brain making them less denser.
Anonymous (6 replies)
>1 shot at life
>121 IQ
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>>13585253 I want to to mars, kill myself and everyone aboard.
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>>13585217 121, yikes.
embrace your destiny.
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>>13585217 don't have kids.
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>>13585217 unironically kys subhuman
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You likely practiced for iq tests, so your real iq is lower. Not even midwit tier, but actually retarded. I'm so sorry
Anonymous (13 replies)
I will never be able to afford to go to space so I want the space program to come to an end, and I would also want to use that money to address issues that I personally find to be a burden such as those annoying homeless men on the side off the road who wave signs.
If you disagree with my thinking process then you're simply out of touch with society to the point that if you have children then I fear for their well being.
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>>13585286 This was a thought provoking response, thank you.
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>>13585657 >I miss the days America was like that, before Whites became a minority. are you over 80 years old?
if not, have you ever wondered if the television version of the 1950s was true or not? or do you just accept "leave it to beaver" as an honest depiction of reality because it was on the television?
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>>13585668 >It’s natural for a society to help each other out It takes some special circumstances for such behaviors to evolve. Kin selection is about as far as you will get otherwise.
>>13585668 >It’s natural for a society to help each other out "i understand reality and nature…"
OK now here comes the punchline
>because it breaks the prisoner’s dilemma. "…because i memorized some made up comic bookish academic mumbojumbo"
p.s. "game theory" is a marketing term. mathematicians cleverly decided to associate themselves with childish playtime in order to gain better traction with the general public. now every junior high school kid is a "game theory" expert.
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>>13585759 >Math isn't real because I don't like general relativity lmao