Threads by latest replies - Page 2817

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No.13583733 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Plastic Surgery

Considering beauty is the most important thing in life, why plastic surgery is so under developed? Why scientists don't care about this?
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Questionable Ingredient

No.13586432 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the purpose for HCl in the Janssen vax?
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No.13583438 ViewReplyOriginalReport
science is the cause of this unnecessary tragedy.
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No.13581226 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long does it take for the lipid nano particles in an mRNA vaccine to leave your body?
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PISA 2018 ranking summary

No.13584392 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> The results of PISA 2018 were presented on 3 December 2019, which included data for around 600,000 participating students in 79 countries and economies, with China's economic area of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang emerging as the top performer in all categories. Note that this does not represent the entirety of mainland China.[26] Reading results for Spain were not released due to perceived anomalies.
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No.13585513 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How I make up for attending a less rigorous college?
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No.13583544 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we all agree these are the coolest motherfuckers in all of microbiology?
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Why this board cares about IQ so much.

No.13585794 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello, /sci/entists.

If you create iq threads on this board or post in them, one of these options probably matches you:
1. You are insecure about your low iq. Despite getting a score of 135(unlikely. probably a measly 131. haha, you retard) on the quiz, you are not even close to the level of those with 140,150,160 etc. iq. The weight of their intellect would crush you if you were ever once in a room with them.
2. Congratulations! You have an iq of 160! You take any chance you get to tell this to someone and impress them. It is important to you, because it is the one thing in your life that gives you satisfaction. You're probably socially inept and overall unhappy with who you are.
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No.13586297 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Asking if someone is religious is literally an IQ test at this point

Religious and "spiritual confirmed for being retarded subhumans once again in a controlled study

can't post link:
Lace, J.W., Evans, L.N. The Relationship Between Religiousness/Spirituality and Psychometric Intelligence in the United States. J Relig Health (2021).

>Correlations between IQ and self-reported religiousness/spirituality were small and negative (Mean r=?0.17), consistent with previous literature

>Multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVAs) controlling for age, gender, education, and socioeconomic status (operationalized by estimated annual household income) indicated that IQ scores tended to be lowest (p<0.001) for “religious only” participants (estimated marginal mean [EMM]=93.0) and highest for “neither religious nor spiritual” participants