Threads by latest replies - Page 2816

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No.13578983 ViewReplyOriginalReport
just saw this when I opened my web browser, thought you guys would find it funny
18 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.13586154 ViewReplyOriginalReport
4 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13586672 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>correlation is not causation
This lil nigga is a psyop isn't it? This argument is brought up against every single questionable and sketchy research that might endanger authority.
It can be said about almost every research on any topic if the results aren't as clear as daylight where people are only saying "hmm there could be a causation" but instantly the discussion gets flooded with drones spamming CoRraLatiON nOt EQuAl CaUsaTioN.
It's like when you only dare to say you think you're somewhat sure of yourself on a matter and people say "uhm sweetheart dunning krüger much?????" With no elaboration whatsoever.
Is it a reddit argument at this point where people don't really think about it and just say it or is it a made up weaponized way of deplatforming any anti authority research?
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nanosuper suits, nano car shielding, lets start making them

No.13586266 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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how the actual fuck

No.13582716 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this just another braindead test?
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I was told this is an anti vaxxer board

No.13581992 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wanted to understand scientifically, why does immunity for these COVID shots expire?

Are traditional vaccines like this? I was under the assumption with normal vaccines, you are protected for life for that specific strain you were injected with. It’s rather confusing and I wanted to get some opinions
27 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.13586770 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why are newfags so gay?
is there a scientific explanation?
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No.13583179 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how many boosters could I took take before I get seriously ill?
15 posts and 2 images omitted
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