Threads by latest replies - Page 2803

(31 replies)
No.13582956 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What causes hallucinations?
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(29 replies)
No.13588115 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is mass?
>Mass is anything that has matter and takes up space
What is matter?
>Matter is a measurement of mass

Why the fuck do scientists use circular reasoning?
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(9 replies)
No.13590122 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the name of this kind of chart?
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(126 replies)
No.13583845 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why does ivermectin make basedboys seeth so much? just makes me want to take it more
121 posts and 28 images omitted
(47 replies)
No.13589560 ViewReplyOriginalReport
someone should tell black soience man to keep /pol/ out of sci.
also lmao at a fake astronomer trying to pose as a medical expert. he can't even trick ppl into believing hes an astronomer. lrn2walk before you try to run
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(8 replies)
No.13590044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was he a hack?
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(19 replies)
No.13590104 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientifically speaking, what is the evolutionary purpose of "liberals" caring more about inanimate rocks than their family and friends?
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(17 replies)

Why are asian women more feminine than white women?

No.13582733 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Technically white women are whiter than asian women.
And whiteness is feminine. So basically why are asian women more attractive and preferred by all males over white women?
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(14 replies)

How to improve IQ to be successful in life?

No.13587258 ViewReplyOriginalReport
t. 79 IQ brainlet.
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(20 replies)
No.13585635 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What scientific evidence states that civilization is going to collapse? modern civilization is the definition of too big to fail. too many people are invested in the future. there will be a set back sure but I think a collapse is just delusional.
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