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No.13592018 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have our advancements in mathematics, the kind beyond calculus, essentially reduced humanities capability for spatial awareness and pattern recognition?
Has math made us bad at math?
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Global 1 child policy

No.13577064 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Tell me why a temporary international 1child "policy" would be a bad thing, not today or in 10 years, but in 60-100 years, for the betterment of anything on and around this planet in nearly every conceivable way?
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No.13593575 ViewReplyOriginalReport
are mental disorders scientific?
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No.13593583 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we increase height after puberty?

The science made a good step recenlty regarding the human growth. It is discovered now that human growth can be enhanced with other ways than HGH and hormones which acts on general areas and can lead to side effects . Now many factors are being researched that acts direcly on the growth plate itself ( I3O , CNP etc )

The science has also recently discovered that our understanding of human growth was not true , as a matter of fact scientists has now proven that in the growth plate there are still stem cells niche , so saying growth plate are 'dead' or "closed" is not true. The thing is that during growth those stem cells are differentiating in chondrocytes, whilch themselves proliferate and with hypertrophy becomes bones. The problem is that the 'available' stem cells that turn to bone are thought to be limited ( something that nature/genetic determines ) so people with larger amounts of possible chondrocytes will get taller.

Now what is promosing is that if science discovers :

1- a way to make the inactive stem cells in the closed plates turn to chondrocyte

2- a way to enhance the chondrogenesis and make bones out of these chondrocytes

3- target these methods to the growth plate

then we will be able to see people having their growth plates 'open' again and will go through puberty again.

Something like this won't be availble before 10 years, because even if they find out a way to do this they still need 4 to 5 years for clinical trials and make sure the treatment is approved and presents no risk.

Moreover, such a treatment will be probably usefull for people with significant short stature. Otherwise Imagine if the person who is 5'7" will want extra 2 inches then also the person with 6'1" will also want some extra inches and shorter people will remain short and taller people will remain tall.
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No.13593496 ViewReplyOriginalReport
To what extent can emotions affect the body physically? When I've felt super mad or sad for a while I eventually get tired, like I've run a mile.
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No.13593144 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if you saw a meteorite near you strike the earth and then a few weeks later you noticed some parasitic life forms on your plants that you had never before seen, who would you contact first? Just curio.. asking for a friend. Thanks.
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(14 replies)

How much has the us military changed over the last 15 years?

No.13593274 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I keep reading that the culture has gone insane. Full leftist cultural change. Also, apparently a lot of battle hardened veterans have left.
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No.13590711 ViewReplyOriginalReport
looking for physics of human/animal walking and what makes both parts balanced and natural?

trying to know the vectors involved to allow balance and unbalance upon the forward axis of the walking object?

i was told classical mechanism will do but i saw it and i dont quite get it? it also dont explain directly how they represent living organism...
looking for basic explanation. cheers.
(1365 replies)

/sfg/ Space Flight General

No.13589012 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Slippy slippy edition.
Previous >>13584358
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