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Anonymous (5 replies)
Are science and technology advancing quickly enough to massively reduce the climate emissions from energy required for human population increases, technological development of 3rd world nations, increasing in dirty refinement and etc over the next 100 years? Please elaborate.
>>13594352 The technology is already there. We just aren't using it because normies are so scared and mentally scarred from Chernobyl that the mere utterance of the word "radiation" makes them piss and shit their pants.
>>13594374 Even if you were to convince the normies many countries have so much legislation and red tape surrounding nuclear energy it would take decades to convince individual countries. No one is going going set up any kind of reactor a once undeveloped country now developing and stepping into the modern world. Therefore nuclear is not an option and if you believe us reliant on it, your answer to my question would be 'no'.
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>>13594374 >>13594471 I meant to say, no one is going to set up reactors in recently developed countries which existing instability or hostile neighbors.
Anonymous (5 replies)
What is the smallest animal that I can practice eugenics on? Mostly for entertainment purposes, my goal is to develop a better “normal population” of the animal in their enclosure.
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>>13594382 Flies. Easy to catch and store. All you need is a c02-styrafoam DIY pad thing to knock them out and some food and containers. Good luck if they get loose in your house though.
But just so you know, you wont get a healthier population by reducing the gene pool, that's genetics 101. You'll basically be recreating the sister-fucking alabama of flies locations.
Anonymous (366 replies)
Let's take a break from the anti-vax shitposts and do some math. Don't forget to show your work.
Vote for the answer here:
>>13593087 No need to answer it when the solution is 10 posts above. Would be meaningless because you would think I copied it either way.
>>13593266 I have a job. I don't spend all day on here, sorry that not replying for an hour got you so concerned. loser
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>>13586295 What if males croak more to attract a female mate?
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>>13593349 >I have a job. Site you do, LARPer. Still waiting for you to answer my question.
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>>13593349 >I have a job. Sure you do, LARPer. Still waiting for you to answer my question.
Anonymous (5 replies)
10 hours left on your chance to own a working antique x ray machine (ebay)
>>13594038 Will this kill the antichrist?
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>>13594053 >Antichrist Will it annihilate with the regular Christ?
>>13594038 what happens if you leave it on pointing at your neighbor’s house?
Anonymous (41 replies)
I want to summarize calculus with this thread.
My calc is rusty and my integration fucking sucks (seriously, what is up with integration being so hard?) so I wanted to make sure I have it down and maybe get some help from you guys in case I missed anything. I know there are other fags here who barely have Algebra and Trig down so I wanted to dump notes here because I know they'll be useful.
>numerical methods >indefinite integrals block your path
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>>13580134 Limits of error
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>>13590470 >numerical methods >indefinite integrals no problem here
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>>13580141 fpbp
I wish this shit would stay on reddit where it belongs
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its just probabilities under a graph
Anonymous (19 replies)
Retard civil engineer here
Is there any way to additively put individual magnets together such that their field strengths add together into one mega magnet,
Also a related question what the fuck is the source of magnetic field strength. If not charge in motion.
>>13593532 >So long as you pump an electromagnetic field though them in this process that is. like the earth magnetic field?
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>>13593545 >like the earth magnetic field? In the case of rare earth magnets yes. I was speaking of manufactured ones or neodymium. Neodymiums are more complex as there are more like ceramics and other metals that aren't ferromagnetic in them.
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>>13588071 That's cool I didn't know that. Are they using that kind of stuff for applied stuff like better NMR resolution, or when you get to such a high power is it more beneficial to use better magnetic materials in a single magnet as opposed to arrange them like your pic?
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>>13588037 Short answer: No. Stacking magnets just gets you a more uniform magnetic field. If you had a giant magnet the size of a planet it would have a magnetic field 10 km from the surface almost as strong as on the surface, this is what i mean by more uniform field. But the field would be as strong as a fridge magnet at the magnet surface, assuming its made of the same composition.
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Op here
>>13593532 >They are mutually impelled by each other to do so much like a series of metronomes ticking out of order will eventually start to sync and tick in coherency. Fascinating so the net angular momentum basically spreads over time through mutual rubbing
I had no idea electrons were such nice buds
Anonymous (19 replies)
In part 3 of him answering science questions he is asked how much shallower the sea would be if we take out all animals. He answeres less than youd think and follows this with the explanation that fish are mostly made out of water. While i agree that its probably not going to be much displacement - many waters compared to little maritime life - the notion that fish are basically "all water" doesnt matter since water displaces water. Its about volume isnt it ?
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>>13593186 >lapdog Basically a cat.
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>>13591333 different board
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>>13591348 Almost everyone likes cats, including arabs and most zoomer chinks.
Anonymous (5 replies)
If quantum states are constantly changing then how are we supposed to measure them?
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>>13592872 Through observation
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>>13592872 "changes" implies already a metathought that is almost a stereotypical of observation (even kids will describe it as such). That means you literally dont know shit about the phenomenon
Anonymous (5 replies)
would it be possible for scientists in the near future to genetically engineer a man with a feminine body but a large penis without making them look hideous
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What is this place? Brainlets beyond measure...beyond sorrow and grief.
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>>13594039 They already exist, see that Brazilian one or just visit /gif/. They're a VERY small minority, however.
Anonymous (10 replies)
Can we feel the centripetal force of the galaxy?
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>>13592663 To what degree would this force be felt?
If we used round figures, you move approximately a thousand miles an hour just from the Earth rotating. The angular displacement is 15 degrees in an 3600 seconds, approximately 0.004 of a degree degree per second. What type of acceleration on the Earth or Sun comes from galactic rotation and other forces?
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>>13592663 No, but your mom can feel the force of my dick in her mouth at night.
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Do the math OP its not that hard. It would be a good exercise for you. I'll give you a hint ITS REALLY low. So low that its almost immeasurable. The centripetal force of earth spinning probably millions of times stronger then the centripetal force of the us spinning around the galaxy.
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It's something like 10^-11 g.