Threads by latest replies - Page 2793

(5 replies)
No.13594352 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are science and technology advancing quickly enough to massively reduce the climate emissions from energy required for human population increases, technological development of 3rd world nations, increasing in dirty refinement and etc over the next 100 years? Please elaborate.
(5 replies)
No.13594382 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the smallest animal that I can practice eugenics on? Mostly for entertainment purposes, my goal is to develop a better “normal population” of the animal in their enclosure.
(366 replies)

Can /sci/ solve a probability problem or is it all /pol/ schizos at this point?

No.13586039 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's take a break from the anti-vax shitposts and do some math. Don't forget to show your work.

Vote for the answer here:
361 posts and 14 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13594038 ViewReplyOriginalReport
10 hours left on your chance to own a working antique x ray machine (ebay)
(41 replies)

Summarize Calculus

No.13580134 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to summarize calculus with this thread.
My calc is rusty and my integration fucking sucks (seriously, what is up with integration being so hard?) so I wanted to make sure I have it down and maybe get some help from you guys in case I missed anything. I know there are other fags here who barely have Algebra and Trig down so I wanted to dump notes here because I know they'll be useful.
36 posts and 4 images omitted
(19 replies)
No.13588037 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Retard civil engineer here

Is there any way to additively put individual magnets together such that their field strengths add together into one mega magnet,

Also a related question what the fuck is the source of magnetic field strength. If not charge in motion.
14 posts and 2 images omitted
(19 replies)

Bill Nye Water Displacement

No.13590610 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In part 3 of him answering science questions he is asked how much shallower the sea would be if we take out all animals. He answeres less than youd think and follows this with the explanation that fish are mostly made out of water. While i agree that its probably not going to be much displacement - many waters compared to little maritime life - the notion that fish are basically "all water" doesnt matter since water displaces water. Its about volume isnt it ?
14 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)
No.13592872 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If quantum states are constantly changing then how are we supposed to measure them?
(5 replies)

IRL trap engineering

No.13594039 ViewReplyOriginalReport
would it be possible for scientists in the near future to genetically engineer a man with a feminine body but a large penis without making them look hideous
(10 replies)
No.13592663 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we feel the centripetal force of the galaxy?
5 posts omitted