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(9 replies)
No.13592443 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is no other numbers than 10 will have their powers ending in zero ? for example 2^n will never equal something ending in zero for all integer n. The same applies for 3^n,4^n,5^n,6^n,7^n,8^n,9^n.
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(5 replies)
No.13595755 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Brownian motion had been described and studied since at least the early 19th century
>Was modelled by mathematician Louis Bachelier in his thesis published in 1900 (where he also introduced the idea of its usefulness in valuing stock options)
>The Black-Scholes model was finally published in 1973 in an article entitled "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities"

tfw it took economists over 70 years to realise "Ayo dat graph be lookin like the stock market and sheeeit"
(14 replies)
No.13594534 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You will eat ze bugs
>You will breath through your ass
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(26 replies)

I'm curious anons how did you guys get intreseted in Science and math

No.13593655 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What made you become turbo autists? Was it a particular defining moment, or you have always had a lingering interest in math and science?
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(42 replies)

Logical Fallacy in Transgenders

No.13593277 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How could a transgender male/female know that it is the "wrong gender"?

They say "I feel like I'm the wrong gender". How would a biological male ever know what being female feels like if they've never been a female? How does he know his feelings aren't normal feelings of a male?
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No.13594612 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>birds are dinosaurs and reptiles
(279 replies)


No.13580214 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
who here regrets taking the vax and why?

Is it "settled science" that the vax is leaky? (ie, does not prevent transmission or infection and only helps symptoms for a short time)
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(14 replies)

debunking quantum immortality

No.13595364 ViewReplyOriginalReport
someone please debunk this shit, im terrified of living eternally in an older,crippled body. And remaining alive as I watch the universe go into heat death.
I tried to find debunkings online but failed to find any successful arguments Against Q.I.
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(41 replies)

Does gravity obey the law of energy conservation?

No.13587562 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We all learned that you can´t "produce" energy out of nothing but what happens when we use a planets gravity to accelerate a satellite? where does the energy come from and where did it go missing? the planet won´t lose mass that causes the gravitional pull and it won´t weaken. Doesn´t that make the moon earth system a perpetuum mobile?
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(6 replies)

Can anyone tell me how normal non-covid vaccines work?

No.13594635 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't find anything with spike proteins in the explanation on Google because every fuckin search is filled with "covid this covid that trustme its safe its good" etc.
So every vaccine has this spike protein thing in it's description, even the novavax thing that is still under trials. How do normal vaccines work?
I had shots for hepatitis when I was a teenager and against all kinds of other shit as a kid. Never had problems, but people in/close to family have died not long after the covid thing.
Now I'm a paranoid truthseekerTM (got my papers for it too) with some pre-existing conditions and inherited poor genetics.
All I find on normal vaccines is that they use "antigens" from the virus which are proteins that make our body fight it.
Is this the same protein that they call "spike protein" now? Can't find "spike protein" in any other vaccination explaining site.

I'm going to need the vaccination soon or miss out on necessary healthcare for other stuff. Diagnosed paranoia wasn't a valid enough excuse for exemption. Can someone give me a QRD on how normal vaccines work and why they don't do the spike shit?
I'm only trusting the Russian or Chinese vaccine which ones better? Do they ship intentionally bad ones to Eastern Europe? Why is Pfizer shilled more? (We got McDonalds drivethrough style vax points for Pfizer but nothing else.)

I posted this here because I assume I'd get a better explanation than from /x/.
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