Threads by latest replies - Page 2783

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Is this book any good?

No.13596129 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My HS math teacher gave me this as a present for starting college a couple months ago and I just remembered I have it. It clearly shows that she thought or thinks I have a promising future but is it actually any good as a book?
(Starting Mech.eng with no clear goal, I plan to do whatever part of Mech.Eng has the most math, maybe turbine engineering or something)
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No.13597956 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ humor thread
(29 replies)
No.13596989 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How good and efficacious are COVID pills?
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No.13598096 ViewReplyOriginalReport
explain this /sci/
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Firing Neutron at a stable atom

No.13594686 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have literally never been in a dedicated physics classroom. What happens when you fire a neutron at a stable atom? There was no good answers on Google and I figure some of you are highly educated.

Pic related. It's how I feel with my 2-year degree.
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i have zero expectations but please help

No.13591744 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The past few weeks have been hellish for me, I wake up well but as soon as I get up and out of bed I feel this nausea and dizziness hit me and from that point (around 10-12PM depending on the day) to around 19PM I feel extremely irritated and overwhelmed by pretty much everything.

I have recently gone to the hospital and they did a bunch of checkups on me and I only had Mastoidite and was in there for a couple of days, but nothing else.

I fear that if I don't know how to describe exactly what I have I'll be misdiagnosed again, this happened a lot in my life because of poor communication skills, so I'm afraid of going to the hospital again on such short notice.

I don't know what to do.
Does anyone have any ideas of what it might be or how to convey these things properly to a medic without getting misdiagnosed?

I can give more info if anyone is interested.
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No.13596760 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the earth is round then you should be able to get a good tan during winter
there I debunked round earth
you can all go home now
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(35 replies)

I am getting vaccinated

No.13595554 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I haven't gotten vaccinated this whole time, I am 22 with a healthy bmi and no health issues, but I feel like the anti vaxxer two more weeks narrative is false
There has been over a year for things like ADE to show its head and with multiple variants it has yet to happen. The vaccine remains highly effective in preventing serious illness and boosting your immunity to covid. It also helps prevent long haul covid occurring.
If mareks occurs then that is more of a reason to get vaccinated from a individual perspective, not less.
Fertility for men doesn't appear to be affected at all this whole time.
VAERS reports 500k side effects but only 40-50k are serious, out of 100s of millions vaccinated, and alot of these like mytocarditis resolve itself and are rarer than if you got the virus.
Also the /pol/ schizo shit like hospitals are killing people on purpose, delta is just a cover-up for the vaccines killing people, the ivermectin shilling despite studies debunking it like other miracle cures promoted in the past that were coupled with positive studies being pulled, etc make me think alot of antivaxxers need to take their meds.
I dont even see how one vaccine shot could have these long term hugely negative consequences, nor do the reaserches in the field.
Maybe I'm wrong? I'm scheduled to get J&J tomorrow. It seems like delta is stronger and it is possible to die young and healthy from it. Or, deal with long term consequences from the virus. What are your thoughts? Why should I reconsider and cancel the appointment?
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(211 replies)

Firefly Alpha inaugural attempt

No.13596576 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
206 posts and 47 images omitted