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Anonymous (41 replies)
I am 19 y/o, and turned out to be littelar manlet(172 cm).
Are there scientifically aproved methods on how to increase high?
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>>13595717 >Asian Keep that shit on the down-low
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Get osteoporosis and overdose on growth hormones
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Tom Cruise/Sarkozy shoes
Anonymous (6 replies)
>Vit D: 42% improvement
>Zinc: 51% improvement
>Quercetin: 76% improvement
Start sending free supplies of these extremely cheap, highly available and completely safe supplements to all citicenz NOW. You DO believe in science, right?
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>>13598382 >We may reach a state where poor countries handle covid better than developped countries because the developing world doesn't have pharmaceutical industries doing wide scale corruption Absolutely kino timeline.
>>13598382 If the government sent you a bunch of pills and told you to take them, would you? Probably better to mail coupons or something rather than the pills themselves.
>>13598425 Fug, I take one pill each for Zinc, Quercetin, C and drops for D3. What's this brand I can get them all in one with?
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>>13598572 I would wait for some autist to check for contaminents and whether the batches are really supplements as advertised. But then I'd take them, yeah, provided it's just a suggestion, not a mandate.
I also have no objections to vaccines as such and have taken many throughout my life, including seasonal flu vaccines. However, I'm sceptical about participating in human trials for an experimental gene therapy.
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>>13598573 That label is from a cocktail Vladimir Zelenko put together, one of the first doctors in the world to treat COVID successfully. But personally I’d stick to just getting everything on its own since it’s so easy to get
Anonymous (7 replies)
And you can very easily prove it, because there is no YOU as a self before you were born. People who believe in religion tend to mock the notion of something coming from nothing when referring to the Big Bang Theory but have no problem assuming that it's normal for your soul to come from nothing and then somehow live for eternity. The problem is that you are a product of circumstance, there's no you beyond the physical body. Your self is created inside your physical brain.
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>>13598312 Your argument only applies if you identify with the distortion of consciousness that makes a physical "individual".
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You came into being from a place where you had no brain at all, no hippocampus, no recollection. Have fun proving no afterlife now.
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>>13598312 You're wrong, there's proof we are not just our brains.
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>>13598312 > t. crafty Christkike LARPing as a secularist and using pathetically unrigorous arguments to make secularists look bad and bolster his own retarded position Anonymous
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This thread was moved to
Anonymous (13 replies)
Is it effective againts COVID or nah?
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>>13585493 >is nac that is real effective against a social virus may as well take it for general leftism
>>13586214 what does this mean?
is nac good or not
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>>13590727 You should be taking NAC anyway, it is good for you.
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NAC can even save you from paracetamol poisoning.
Anonymous (9 replies)
Why do plastic pipes fail?
PP-R (pic related) is really resistant material. And it is resistant indeed because pipe I was removing was still pretty flexible (though you're not supposed to bend them) and had absolutely no sign of failure.
But fittings on the other hand, they were kinda weird, and sure enough they were pretty easy to break off.
PP-R pipes are welded. There is a thing that heats up the fitting and pipe, then you insert it and done, in theory solid connection. But in reality it isn't. Can wrong temperature make plastic brittle?
Also, why does CPVC plumbing fail? What about PEX?
Idk, I went with copper, because caveman technology is more idiot-proof and leaches tin and copper instead of plastificators.
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>>13597378 But pipe itself can handle those no problem and like it is thinner.
(pic is not mine btw)
>>13597505 pinhole isn't as bad as fucking pipe cracking off and full 25 mm OD pipe (3/4 eq) starts spraying water somewhere in the wall. Even if you sprint to shut off valve it would be too late.
And apparently to prevent pinholes near fittings you just need to deburr shit.
>>13597510 Lead is very fucky material to make a pipe of.
>>13596338 unless there is some external thing affecting the pipe (e.g. animals nibbling at it, something acidic dripping onto it) they almost always fail at joins like in the pic. people frequently overtighten or undertighten the pipe. if you overtighten it, you get cracks. if you undertighten, you get leaks and corrosion. simple as.
>>13597993 But thing is there is no thread.
>>13598339 doesn't matter if the pipes are threaded or not, joins are always the weakest part
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>>13598484 But why, especially with polypropylene that is welded/fused and materials are the same.
Can heating introduce some stresses in plastic?
Anonymous (63 replies)
What is the cause for Homosexuality? Is it practiced in Nature? Can certain attributes be assign to people who are Homosexuals?
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>>13581618 Kid get molested at an early age by same sex, there done, it's an open secret in the psychology community, go find some studies on this, gays constitute the majority of pedophiles, gay people as in men and women, reproduce by molesting kids, kids then molest other kids as adults, repeat the gay molesting cycle,
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>>13595629 Pristine, un-stretched anus muscles (until recently)
0 instinctual dick sucking ability
I believe these two points disprove the repressed memories hypothesis
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>>13581618 The most prevalence kind of male homosexuality is prison gayness.
Inside of every lesbian is a cock fiend
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Androphilia in men is an intersex condition. Hence why transsexuality is on the rise.
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>>13582240 its cope for lack of finding a partner, in nature its typically accidental and they continue to mate expecting offspring, some simple species do change sex to supplement population sex load
Anonymous (27 replies)
why are the best scientists always german
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>>13597890 Da muss ich dir aber irgendwie schon etwas Recht geben. Aber eigentlich ja überhaupt nicht.
>>13597571 Im jewish and you are just a dumb nigger. Global historical jewry is not "a single generation of jewish scientists in Germany that lived at the same time Planck proposed the quantum". This is something that will never happen again. Evidence: Poland
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>>13598189 >Im jewish Cope more whitey
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>>13598431 Finally a photo in which all the shadows are wonderfully aligned.
Thank you for this convincing evidence, dear anon!
Anonymous (5 replies)
What field of science or math should I go into to maximize my likelihood of attaining top honors (nobel, fields, etc)?
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There's too much bureaucratic red tape in medical research, so forget that. You could develop a proper antiviral for COVID and then watch your deserved fame fizzle with tentative page-10 news reports, establishment inertia, and such, unless you let some pharmaceutical company put its name on your research and take all the credit. Any kind of physics that requires access to expensive resources -- drop that because it will usually mean sharing credit with half a dozen other people who've also been 'let in'. I like math because the only real access you need is an Internet connection and pirate access to textbooks and journals, and if you were to dump a significant result online, your fame would be almost immediate.
Anonymous (56 replies)
Explain to me how come that fat human bodies break laws of thermodynamics and totally don't consume over 3000kcal at rest
>inb4 they don't break laws of thermodynamics and they do consume over 3000kcal at rest
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>>13596543 It would be increase/loss of appetite then.
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>>13596533 No, there could be a hundred different things that a body could do with excessive calories. Growing fat is just one of many possibilities.
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>>13594528 Look at the percentage of fat people on medications that alter cardiac output. Heart rate affects the amount of energy required, and when that decreases, so do your daily intake amounts. How do you account for edema when you're thinking about all of this?
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>Everyone's metabolism is different Ok, so what? It's mostly dependent on height, muscle mass and physical activity anyway, so if you have "" slow "" metabolism (because you are lacking one or more of those things) you simply need to eat less, fucking god it's that simple, you are a fucking pig with no self control for wanting to stuff yourself with junk food, there's no excuses It's both true that everyone's metabolism is different and that it all boils down to calories in calories out
Anonymous (5 replies)
What is the probability that if you draw 5 numbers, divisible by 33, from 1 to 99,999, 3 of those numbers will end in 64?
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>>13598225 There are 3030 numbers between 1 and 99999 which are divisible by 33. Of these 3030 numbers, 31 end in 64. You do the rest