Threads by latest replies - Page 2782

(41 replies)

How do I become highter

No.13594401 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am 19 y/o, and turned out to be littelar manlet(172 cm).
Are there scientifically aproved methods on how to increase high?
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(6 replies)
No.13598382 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Vit D: 42% improvement
>Zinc: 51% improvement
>Quercetin: 76% improvement
Start sending free supplies of these extremely cheap, highly available and completely safe supplements to all citicenz NOW. You DO believe in science, right?
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(7 replies)

There is no afterlife

No.13598312 ViewReplyOriginalReport
And you can very easily prove it, because there is no YOU as a self before you were born. People who believe in religion tend to mock the notion of something coming from nothing when referring to the Big Bang Theory but have no problem assuming that it's normal for your soul to come from nothing and then somehow live for eternity. The problem is that you are a product of circumstance, there's no you beyond the physical body. Your self is created inside your physical brain.
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(13 replies)


No.13585493 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it effective againts COVID or nah?
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(9 replies)
No.13596338 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do plastic pipes fail?
PP-R (pic related) is really resistant material. And it is resistant indeed because pipe I was removing was still pretty flexible (though you're not supposed to bend them) and had absolutely no sign of failure.
But fittings on the other hand, they were kinda weird, and sure enough they were pretty easy to break off.
PP-R pipes are welded. There is a thing that heats up the fitting and pipe, then you insert it and done, in theory solid connection. But in reality it isn't. Can wrong temperature make plastic brittle?

Also, why does CPVC plumbing fail? What about PEX?
Idk, I went with copper, because caveman technology is more idiot-proof and leaches tin and copper instead of plastificators.
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(63 replies)
No.13581618 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the cause for Homosexuality? Is it practiced in Nature? Can certain attributes be assign to people who are Homosexuals?
58 posts and 4 images omitted
(27 replies)
No.13596584 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why are the best scientists always german
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(5 replies)


No.13597745 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What field of science or math should I go into to maximize my likelihood of attaining top honors (nobel, fields, etc)?
(56 replies)

>everyone's metabolism is different

No.13594365 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Explain to me how come that fat human bodies break laws of thermodynamics and totally don't consume over 3000kcal at rest
>inb4 they don't break laws of thermodynamics and they do consume over 3000kcal at rest
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(5 replies)