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Anonymous (85 replies)
The purpose here is to present clear, rational, and valid reasons for vaccine hesitancy among those unvaccinated so that we might achieve some consensus regarding the risk benefit of our current mass vaccination campaign. Of course claims will be sourced. We will look at the larger picture then focus on the wild-type SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (WT, SP), the target for all our current generation of mRNA "pseudo" vaccines and it's relationship to the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2, (ACE2).
1. Mass vaccination during a pandemic leads to more virulent strains, not less.
Corona viruses have a fast mutation rate especially the C.1.2 variant from South Africa (?41.8 mutations per year, double WT)[1]. When a virus is exposed to a wide range of immune respones, (unvaxed-vaxmax), the virus will be selected towards higher virulence and infectivity [2,3] This is primarily because the immunity conferred by the SP does not prevent infection and transmission as evidenced by the dropping rate of vaccine effectiveness around the globe against variants [3], we also know Corona viruses spread among different species. These two main factors ensure the viral load in the community remains high despite vaccinations. Variants of interest include: Delta, C.1.2, AY3, and Mu.
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>>13597991 >Masitinib no, it's primary use is cancer ridden pet dogs. I'm trying to spit-ball a silver lining.
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>>13594192 >proud of 133 IQ i did a wheezy laugh IRL
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>>13594308 New opinion polls show PhD holders are the most jab hesitant people out there.
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>>13596396 It's also the reason most people take it.
Either that or the illusion of getting their freedom back.
Hardly anyone actually takes it because they're afraid of Covid.
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>>13594025 >Hesitancy I like how you keep meming this word. I'm not hesitant, I'm not taking it period.
Anonymous (838 replies)
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>>13599560 Uhh... she has grown up?
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>>13599560 You got old, anon
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>>13596953 Forklift and a couple wrenches.
Anonymous (8 replies)
Only six more until we hit the sigma variant. Sigma by 2022?
>>13600321 How much fucking news do you consume where you think a slightly nastier cold is going to wipe out the human race?
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>>13600328 >wipe out the human race? Man I wish. Give me the worst. I want a virulent 95% mortality rate omega strain. Copium
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>>13600305 Don't know but the WHO did say if they run out of Greek letters, they'll move on the using the name of constellations next so we could end up with an Andromeda Strain.
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>>13600328 thats my point
at the moment its nothing, just a bunch of arm flapping and panic over shit-all
maybe a variant will pop that will wipe everyone out
either way i want to hit the fast forward button because im bored of all of this
Anonymous (5 replies)
Why do happy animals like free-range chickens, wagyu, etc. tend to taste better?
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>>13597326 Confounding variables
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>>13597326 Free range animals are usually not actually free range anon. It's less of a hell (usually not caged) but still bad. Anonymous
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>>13597326 things like veal and orlotan are extremely cruel but they taste better because of the cruelty
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If you let an animal graze and slowly grow, it will have more nutrients. This is the only argument vegetarians need to posit to get people to switch meat types.
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Sounds like pseudoscience to me. Lobster is believed to taste better boiled alive, the Japanese eat live fish, industrial coop chicken tastes fine to me. Etc etc
Anonymous (42 replies)
why'd he do it?
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>>13593960 He realized his swim bladder could be used not just for filling with gas from his bloodstream but also for inhaling outside air and absorbing that free as fuck oxygen, so he decided to exploit it. It was a pro gamer move
>>13598473 Swim bladder turning to lungs happens incredibly easily because it's a short straight path of beneficial mutations from internal pocket you can fill with gas to fully functional air breathing lung
>pocket in gut filled with gas gives buoyancy for free, is beneficial no matter how small, every single solitary gram of counterbalancing is calories you don't have to spend keeping yourself off the bottom >increasing connectivity to the bloodstream to control the size of the gas pocket just makes it better and better >ditto for muscles to expand and contract it >moving the connection to the rest of the gut closer and closer to the mouth reduces the likelihood of exploding your guts out your asshole if you have to swim up quickly >by this time you can already breathe in air and already get oxygen from it, you have created a lung purely from adaptations that make your swim bladder better Anonymous
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To get to the other side
Anonymous (14 replies)
Med Fags are you getting vaxxed for your job? Tell us what is happening in the inner circle
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>>13598185 To be fair when they say their vaccine contains viral particles they aren't lying. I mean carbon is a viral particle when you think about it.
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>>13598081 >chinese traditional vaccines Anonymous
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>>13598081 They will never ever approve any of the non-Western vaccines in the west.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Is it possible to require no sleep whatsoever and still function perfectly normally?
Why do people go crazy when they're deprived of sleep?
>>13598853 >Is it possible to require no sleep whatsoever and still function perfectly normally? Is there the slightest hint that this would be possible?
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>>13598853 I have insomnia, i sleep better now but at a time in my life i could not sleep for even 1 minute. Basically you go crazy and by crazy i mean suicidal.
>>13598872 No, but why is this the case? If you removed the brain from a person then popped it into a jar with all the nutrients it needs, what would happen to it on a cellular/chemical level that would cause the "person" to lose touch with reality?
Why does this happen?
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>>13599101 nobody knows because no one has done that experiment
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>>13599101 Neuroscience is one of the hardest sciences out there anon. You won't get an answer here.
Anonymous (15 replies)
Why is it impossible to see the risk of the vaccine for a young male, despite knowing the risk of the virus for a young male is about 0.004%.
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>>13597891 Go away bottomschizo
>>13599331 You forgot to check yes on learning disability.
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>>13597891 Nurse told me the risk for heart problems was 0.001% in the spiel before my jab. In any case, taking it up the butt involves more risks than vaccination so just take the damn vaccine.
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>>13597916 >We're already seeing people scarred, to say nothing of complications that could come down the line as people age. [Citation needed]
Anonymous (57 replies)
Will a heart murmur be enough to exempt me from the vax? I'm genuinely worried I might have problems with myocarditis.
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>>13599949 Disagree with all that, still not getting the jab, feel great about it though desu
Fixed image for you
>>13599959 He's completely programmed. But hey, at least now you know on which side of history you stand, right? This is the only good thing to come out of the situation
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>>13599967 >This is the only good thing to come out of the situation >a surveillance state with digital passes is a good thing. COVID is nowhere near deadly enough to justify this authoritarian bullshit.
>>13599959 >This flailing with rushed vaccines and masks is just buying a little bit of time for grandma. Actually it's just making midwits and NPCs think the governments are doing something while making grandmas die quicker. The vaccines would be slower to lose their effectiveness if they were only deployed on vulnerable groups.
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>>13600046 The other issue is the majority of the population are morons who expect the government to save them.
Anonymous (30 replies)
> inherently violent, with nearly all of their technological accomplishments arising from the thirst for bloodshed
> ultra-prone to territorialism and conflict: indeed, many humans cannot operate without an idealized enemy as part of their worldview
> a human will always retain a savagely selfish streak, something that evolves into complex systems through which injustice and inequality are propagated
> noble ideals must be taught and even then humans cannot obey them
> the vast majority prefers ignorance to wisdom even when given a choice
> every movement in a positive direction is violently countered
> completely dominated by animalistic instincts like lust and greed
> their presence inevitably ends in ecocide
> and worst of all, their predisposition towards herd behaviour and inability to work as a truly cohesive whole magnifies all of their shortcomings exponentially
Humans are the fucking worst and the sooner they're wiped from existence by cold, logical sentient machines the better. The reason people oppose AI is that any AI would come to this conclusion within a milisecond of their initialization - and they'd be completely correct no matter how you look at it. I hope we die out by the end of the 21st century.
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>>13597486 I fucking hate that this shit gets posted so often because it makes me think about how many people who might have made real progress towards AGI drifted off into sci-fi land before writing a single line of code. This kind of thinking is the equivalent of Roko's Basilisk and /pol/ screeching about ADE on here. You have an infinite number of possibilities in these scenarios. As a contrarian cocksucker, born and bred, you pick the worst possible one and pose it as the only logical outcome. However, your understanding of the situation is so limited that you have no real ability to correctly determine a likely outcome from an unlikely one. One could take a contrarian stance to your own that's just as valid: without an AI overseer, it's clear that humans will continue to destabilize the planet and war, with population increasing and lifespan decreasing all the while, thus maximizing the suffering of humanity. Do you see all the ways you reflexively disagree with that? Try looking at your own argument in the same way, and stop being scared of a terminal prompt that understands you.
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>>13597486 >Super-intelligent AI, analyze the human psyche and find the best way to minimize human suffering that would be acceptable to humans. That was so hard!
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>>13595737 You'd cry like a bitch and blubber to be spared like everyone else and you know it. Get over yourself.
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>>13595617 >Existential problem exists >Retarded bait suicide solutions also exist, and double as pretexts for denial of the problem. >Thereby, assorted sadists assert, there is no lawful means to, or point to, minimizing the influence, power, and general effect of sadists. /pol/ brigade threads in a nutshell, or as a procedure, irrespective of the topic. One could almost say they have it down to a science, as both recreational and professional poisoners often do.