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(85 replies)

Vaccine Hesitancy

No.13594025 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The purpose here is to present clear, rational, and valid reasons for vaccine hesitancy among those unvaccinated so that we might achieve some consensus regarding the risk benefit of our current mass vaccination campaign. Of course claims will be sourced. We will look at the larger picture then focus on the wild-type SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (WT, SP), the target for all our current generation of mRNA "pseudo" vaccines and it's relationship to the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2, (ACE2).
1. Mass vaccination during a pandemic leads to more virulent strains, not less.
Corona viruses have a fast mutation rate especially the C.1.2 variant from South Africa (?41.8 mutations per year, double WT)[1]. When a virus is exposed to a wide range of immune respones, (unvaxed-vaxmax), the virus will be selected towards higher virulence and infectivity [2,3] This is primarily because the immunity conferred by the SP does not prevent infection and transmission as evidenced by the dropping rate of vaccine effectiveness around the globe against variants [3], we also know Corona viruses spread among different species. These two main factors ensure the viral load in the community remains high despite vaccinations. Variants of interest include: Delta, C.1.2, AY3, and Mu.
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(838 replies)

/sfg/ - Space Flight General: Lunar Knights Edition

No.13596206 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>13593402
833 posts and 168 images omitted
(8 replies)

Are you scared of the mu variant?

No.13600305 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Only six more until we hit the sigma variant. Sigma by 2022?
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(5 replies)
No.13597326 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do happy animals like free-range chickens, wagyu, etc. tend to taste better?
(42 replies)
No.13593960 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why'd he do it?
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(14 replies)
No.13598073 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Med Fags are you getting vaxxed for your job? Tell us what is happening in the inner circle
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(5 replies)
No.13598853 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible to require no sleep whatsoever and still function perfectly normally?

Why do people go crazy when they're deprived of sleep?
(15 replies)
No.13597891 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is it impossible to see the risk of the vaccine for a young male, despite knowing the risk of the virus for a young male is about 0.004%.
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(57 replies)
No.13594256 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Will a heart murmur be enough to exempt me from the vax? I'm genuinely worried I might have problems with myocarditis.
52 posts and 12 images omitted
(30 replies)

humans will be replaced entirely by machinery? fucking GOOD.

No.13595617 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> inherently violent, with nearly all of their technological accomplishments arising from the thirst for bloodshed
> ultra-prone to territorialism and conflict: indeed, many humans cannot operate without an idealized enemy as part of their worldview
> a human will always retain a savagely selfish streak, something that evolves into complex systems through which injustice and inequality are propagated
> noble ideals must be taught and even then humans cannot obey them
> the vast majority prefers ignorance to wisdom even when given a choice
> every movement in a positive direction is violently countered
> completely dominated by animalistic instincts like lust and greed
> their presence inevitably ends in ecocide
> and worst of all, their predisposition towards herd behaviour and inability to work as a truly cohesive whole magnifies all of their shortcomings exponentially
Humans are the fucking worst and the sooner they're wiped from existence by cold, logical sentient machines the better. The reason people oppose AI is that any AI would come to this conclusion within a milisecond of their initialization - and they'd be completely correct no matter how you look at it. I hope we die out by the end of the 21st century.
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