Are black people genetically less intelligent than white people?
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Hello /sci/. My girlfriend from what I've read is most likely dismissive avoidant attachment style. I want to read all that I can about it in detail so I can understand her better, but all I keep finding are just small bits of information. Could one of you please point me to a source. Thanks.
Seeing how numerous other species are exterminated unwillingly and with greater ecological consequences, how about we actually get rid of something worthwhile such as all the various common pests?
I have to take a Calculus class for college but I haven’t had a math class since high school and I’m a junior now. How do I get caught up again?
Why did we go from having a much more complete and noble perspective on Science as an investigation of reality (including the whole big picture of the human experience) to sciencecucks who are unable to think outside of the scope of the scientific method? It seems that our extreme specialization has bore scientists who have very little imaginative freedom, which is the very thing that allowed the most impactful scientific breakthroughs throughout history.
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Elon Musk ain’t bout this, Elon Musk ain’t bout that My boy a CTO on fucking SpaceX and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Elon Musk ain’t no CEO, Elon Musk ain’t this Elon Musk a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught trading suspension repairs for non-disclosure agreements and shit Nigga been building billion dollar companies since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Elon Musk I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Jason Wheeler and them
Anything interesting they might study you can learn via biology or physics

Ginkgo Biloba tree has motile (swimming) sperm. What do you think about it?
Literally only haplogroups matter
>more people are dying now in the US than exactly 1 year ago before vaccines were a thing
So the vaccines don't work?
So the vaccines don't work?