What is /sci/'s opinion on lucid dreaming? It clearly doesn't get the research it deserves.
I do have a lot of doctors in the family though. They tell me that COVID is likely here to stay and join the cold/flus that mutate and come back yearly. I'm thinking about what happens in the next year or two when COVID clearly just keeps going around, coming back and spiking every now and then. What will the governments do? Lockdown can't continue forever.
I am very hesitant to broach this topic with my doctor family members because I don't want to be that guy at family gatherings. I am under the impression however that they think it's no big deal as long as we all get our yearly shots. From their point of view, this is normal because as medical personnel they have always gotten their shots and will continue to do so yearly. I understand that. My question is, can this become the norm? Look at the state of things, antivaxxers everywhere. Governments will have to mandate this shit and that might make it even worse.
How do you suppose events will play out?