Threads by latest replies - Page 2773

(16 replies)

Astral Projecting Physishits at it again

No.13600571 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>90% of energy in universe is dark energy
>90% of matter is dark matter
>We know nothing about it other than its there
>There are also infinitely many universes! We know this for sure
>Oh by the way black holes exist, we just never observed them
>Except that one time by some feminist bitch who massaged data because we actually can't detect light exiting a black hole
>There are less cells in my brain than there are black holes in my galaxy
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(61 replies)
No.13589025 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
daily reminder : Cal 1 is a hardest subject for most people.
56 posts and 6 images omitted
(28 replies)
No.13593011 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Never forget this trig identity, it carried us all in basic trig and still in advanced trig.
23 posts and 1 image omitted
(28 replies)

Large Ivermectin study withdrawn

No.13601042 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wow, this was blatant medical fraud.
23 posts and 3 images omitted
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No.13598120 ViewReplyOriginalReport
21 posts and 1 image omitted
(5 replies)
No.13600935 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What exactly did he mean by this?
(19 replies)
No.13600539 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Literally nobody believes the MSM narrative on Ivermectin, but somehow 4chan/sci is packed will self-identified science experts that are shilling the MSM narrative.
Is there a scientific explanation for the massive excess of blatant and overt shilling on 4chan?
14 posts and 6 images omitted
(67 replies)

New data shows Florida Kid hospitalized en masse thanks to antivaxxer policies

No.13596083 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, how many public health disasters does it take for an antivaxxer/maskers to change their mind?
62 posts and 5 images omitted
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(12 replies)
No.13600966 ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you resemble a stereotypical scientist?
7 posts and 2 images omitted