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(64 replies)
No.13583127 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is the Dyson Sphere possible? It would Upgrade humanity Into a type 2 civilization.
59 posts and 15 images omitted
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2 More Months

No.13594007 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tick tock, you faggots.
48 posts and 12 images omitted
(102 replies)
No.13591999 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Terence Tao is not a genius let alone the greatest living mathematician. He's a second-rate mathematician whose only claim to fame is getting his degrees earlier than others because his Asian parents forced him to, which isn't a replacement for actual talent/achievements. He also has never taken an IQ test. His Fields medal is for

>”contributions to math”

No actual result. Real mathematicians (not just numberphile watching engineering majors taking calc) know Tao is the most overrated one of this era. A fraud, who got famous for getting his PhD at a young age. The left media covered him as a prodigy and diversity wunderkind because of it. Then math community decided to run with pushing him as a celebrity, because his fame and having him talk in front of the media gets them more funding. He collaborates with many coauthors and always gets full credit for the papers due to his celeb status. Pretty much all he has done is generalize some theorems other mathematicians proved. That's his greatest achievement: the Green-Tao theorem, and his coauthor Green did most of the heavy lifting. It's about arithmetic progressions of primes, a topic which basically nobody fucking cared about but dedicated Ramsey theory autists. It wasn't even on the list of the actual most important unsolved problems in mathematics. The proof was basically low hanging fruit which came from bashing it with Szemeredi's theorem repeatedly.

This board mocks "child prodigies" like Jacob Barnett and whatever other media darlings. But Tao is the same, maybe a little better because he became a mediocre mathematician at least. Tao is a fucking nobody compared to actual modern titans of math, like Scholze, Serre, Milnor, Tate, Szemeredi, Wiles, Perelman. He's the modern John von Neumann: a hyped but objectively minor figure in math that was an absolute NOBODY compared to his contemporaries (for Neumann it was Banach, Hilbert, Kolmogorov) and got credit for things he didn't even fucking do.
97 posts and 8 images omitted
(24 replies)
No.13597796 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for the invention of Ivermectin
19 posts and 6 images omitted
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No.13597402 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I cut a watermelon from a vine. How long until the watermelon cells inside at the center watermelon die?
1 post omitted
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Dear finitists,

No.13602604 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tell me Mr. Finitist if you can: you have destroyed so much — what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing?
I thought not.
(5 replies)
No.13603395 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would a being that exists outside the flow of time observe its universe?

>Everyday I go through the exercise of visualizing existence limited by each dimension.
>also visualize how a being from one level would perceive a being on a higher level ( eg the perception of a 3d being from a 2d being's PoV )
>Always run into a wall when visualizing the 4th dimension, time
>Specifically how it interacts with location/gravity

So /sci/, how do you imagine a being outside of time perceives its universe?
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No.13604094 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to reduce my head

How do
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strange illusion

No.13603978 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Look at this illusion and write do you feel nothing ?