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(69 replies)
No.13598634 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
When did you realize you were a genius?

>Missed organic chemistry exam because I'm lazy
>Professor agreed to reschedule exam
>He gave me 3 days to study an entire semester of chemistry
>Passed with flying colors
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(14 replies)
No.13599298 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, Many Worlds theory here with a friendly reminder.

Remember that time you almost died? You did.
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(38 replies)

It's a phone post so sorry for shitty composition

No.13603161 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright I need some advice and I don't really know where else to go at this point.

I'm currently unvaccinated but not opposed to them in any way. I have been waiting for the Novavax or if I contracted covid previous to delta a form of natural immunity.

I am an almost 30 year old male. For my height on the BMI scale (not accurate in all cases but for reference) I'm about 20 pounds over weight but have been losing weight rapidly over the last few months. I have had chest pain for a long time infrequently but I've never been diagnosed with anything. Seen a doctor a few times for it with no signs of issues as well as an EKG (also not the most accurate) about 3 weeks ago. Due to a physical injury i refused oxycontin for i used to be a heavy drinker but quit completely. I eat extremely healthy these days regularly consisting of fish, greens, vitamins, garlic, so on. To my knowledge I haven't had covid 19 yet but until pre vaccine was very active working outside with safety precautions with others.

My question and situation is as follows.
Should I get a current mRNA vaccine, stay unvaxxed, or wait unvaxxed for the non mRNA Novavax that looks very promising? Due to the chest pain I'm scared of the possibility of myocarditis from mRNA. My fiance is a pediatric nurse who sometimes comes into contact with covid patients. She has two doses of pfizer, the second of which she got very sick for a day from. I never worried before but due to a recent trauma I developed anxiety and now it fucks with me. Never had anxiety issues before in my life and lived pretty care free and happy. I work on motorcycles as a hobby and work online as a job now so I'm always home.

The fear of getting it and not being alright has consumed me. For a month ive been researching everything I can on variants and vaccines. Any where I go for actual advice I just get incoherent extremism from all angles.

I've learned a lot over the years from here. Would appreciate any takes or information you have
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(21 replies)
No.13604468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is Dr. Gretchen Trunderburp, PhD (University of Mons 2019) - the world's most famous global warming scientist - secretly a racist?
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(6 replies)
No.13605319 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Based pajeet cardiologist BTFOing anti-science tards
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(28 replies)
No.13601202 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Physically speaking, what is the smallest possible amount of time greater than zero?
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(325 replies)

So many people on other boards deny climate change

No.13588962 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How can i convince them that we as humans have fucked up our planet beyond saving? It's like climate change has become the Elefant in the room, but it just stands there, moving slowly to the shelves with all the expensive porcelain, so slow that the people in the room don't even care and just happily go after their normal conversations, ignoring it, probably not even seeing the elephant anymore. And if someone brings it up people will resort to sayings of the likes that the elephant isn't even real and just in your mind, a construct, a wishful thought of some kind lmao.

We are so fucked
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(51 replies)
No.13602072 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is boring a 10km hole and dumping nuclear waste down there not a solution. I'm pretty sure there is no material exchange between the surface and that depth. with a 30 cm diameter you could deposit 500 cubic meters of waste between -9km and -10km
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(24 replies)

Sociology general

No.13595449 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to know the basics of sociology to understand society. The world cannot be just a mass of independent 100 IQ people acting rationally.
What are the branches and theories of sociology? Easy laymen books, methodology. QRD me.
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(9 replies)
No.13604027 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do different dimensions exist in this universe right?
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