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No.13605766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/, how accurate and reliable is political polling?
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I had depression for too long.

No.13605197 ViewReplyOriginalReport
And it still goes on, but it's not by far how strong it was before. I have gained too much weight (at least 30 kilograms) due to my anxiety attacks / nervous breakdowns. Now that I am obese, it is too difficult for me to think, it is as if I am in an eternal state of mental fog; I don't have the same mental clarity that I had before.
Does fat really impact IQ too much?
How much did I degrade my brain thanks to this?
It's as if there is no such thing as a smart fat man.
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No.13605151 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should Climate alarmism be classified as a mental illness in the DSM?
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Psychology, Reinforcement, Wakefulness

No.13603964 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible to use positive reinforcement to increase “wakefulness” — the ability to stay awake during the day without a strong urge to nap? I think I have accidentally reinforced sleepiness because when I get too pressured I would go into bed and browse my phone then nap and fantasize. Can these mental states — wakefulness, drowsiness — actually be reinforced, or no?
(43 replies)

How much damage would a Sea Dragon launch do to the ocean?

No.13595976 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I started thinking about the Sea Dragon rocket and wondering how much environmental damage launching one would do, since I'm not entirely sure if even Point Nemo is far enough away from coastal marine life to avoid the shockwave of the launch killing off entire species, or if it's far enough away for the noise from the shockwave to avoid being a problem in itself even on land. I can't find any numbers to help me figure out how many decibels the 79,000,000 lbf launch would cause. My gut tells me it would probably devastate oceanic life and the shockwave in the air would probably make it a good part of the way around the Earth, if not go around at least once, making it not viable just on those grounds, but I can't figure it out for sure.
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No.13604955 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sociologically speaking, how does white privilege exist if the racial category of Caucasoid is biologically obsolete?
>The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid[a] or Europid)[2] is an obsolete racial classification of human beings based on a now-disproven theory of biological race.
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No.13604943 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientifically speaking, is there any merit to clinical psychology, or is it basically just a scam?
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No.13606130 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Learn about viruses and how they are and are not spread among people.

Video at link:
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