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No.13606317 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the most interesting math heavy fields? I’m going back to university to complete my math degree, I have two years left on it. Thinking about what electives I should take to complement the degree and what field I should aim towards for a Masters afterwards. I already have a degree in pharmacy. Been looking at epidemiology, biostatistics, health economics, or ecology. Any fields you guys find particularly interesting?
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No.13606211 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is this absolute nonsense?
There should be 17 names for colours of 20nm bands. Humans can distinguish hues at differences of at worse 10nm so this would be enough even in the more difficult wavelengths.
Everyone knows the bigger brain the language the more colour names it has.
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No.13608552 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm an idiots and no amount of searching for a way to solve this has made me understand.

Are any of you statisticians capable of making low-IQ get it?

Thanks senpai.
(61 replies)

How racist are the science? Outright or more passive?

No.13608302 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I’m about to go into mathematics class after school everyday where I know all the kids are either white or asian. They kids don’t particularly make me nervous at all it’s the professor that does. He is an old fag and was supposedly against civil rights during the time, My older sister took he class before me and told me that he would mark colored students lower Inb4 your sister probably just got a low mark. I’m sure she didn’t she is to this day the most academically gifted person I know. tldr how to I deal with shitty professors I know this isn’t purely a racial thing but it does make me a bit anxious. When I finish schooling how often will I have to deal with this shit. I don’t have any pics saved so here is my hand.
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No.13608102 ViewReplyOriginalReport
math calculation to predict the next frame the leg of a bipedal creature will move to given its amount weight and force while considering balance between left and right part but not in unison(as in left leg move with right hands)

anything elementary perhaps like vector math for walking mechanism...?

trying to illustrate a sequence of image that simulates "walking" animation or similarly

worried about its correctness especially "balance"
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No.13607630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do hyperlexics often understand what they’re reading? I was an early reader, but I understood what was being read according to reading comprehension tests. If this is the case then what type of hyperlexia do i have?
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No.13605216 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is your opinion of him?
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