Threads by latest replies - Page 2751

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No.13608730 ViewReplyOriginalReport
bruh trees can get cancer
what the hell
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No.13607002 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What have you got to say about this?
(8 replies)
No.13608691 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any way to explain arithmetic in a super obtuse way?
Like any obscure stuff that over complicates simple addition
3 posts omitted
(27 replies)

Bose Einstein Condensates?

No.13604691 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One characteristic of a BEC is that very small phenomena can be "magnified", due to it being such a low energy system that events occuring at the quantum level can be made apparent macroscopicly. We have created BECs on the order of perhaps 1000 atoms all in a single energy state for a brief period of time.
My question is can we use this property to get a better grasp of the real phyical description of the subatomic/ quantum world?
I have come to understand that Schrodinger was pointing out an absurd thing and that things probably do not exist as smears of probability.
If it would work with a BEC, would it be possible to do it with the much more easily produced superfulid Helium 4? While not being a BEC, it shares many similar characteristics.

I am anon from LQG thread. As I said there, I am a midwit past popsci but unable to read the more advanced Wikipedia tomes, forgive my lay language.
22 posts and 1 image omitted
(22 replies)
No.13603330 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, /sci/.
Considering your the smartest board, feel free to share your hypothesis explaining the wackiness of the Quantum World.
17 posts and 1 image omitted
(44 replies)
No.13604343 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the reason for the Replication Crisis and how do we solve it?
39 posts and 4 images omitted
(322 replies)

/med/ - Medicine general

No.13585580 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Doctor Doctor -edition

old thread >>13551313

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of gunner premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K etc. out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
>inb4 not science
>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

thread theme:
317 posts and 47 images omitted
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Planet NiNe

No.13608090 ViewReplyOriginalReport it Out There, or just another miscalculation?
>Taking observational bias into effect, the authors find the clustering [of KBO] is still statistically unusual.
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No.13607450 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you dumb fucking idiots knows about Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Accumulator?