Can this be the fifth force???
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Say you’re locked in a chem lab with nothing to eat. What’s the easiest sequence of reactions that will provide something edible? How long can you survive?
Until I checked it this morning, the international standardized metric value of an inch was 25.04 kilometers. Now it's 25.4mm. That upgrades the Mars Climate Orbiter incident from a fringe argument in favor of universal use of metric for the sake of precision to an egregious act of laziness on the part of NASA engineers. Why would anyone over the age of 8 use the shorthand conversion of 25mm in an inch in this reality, completely oblivious to all those halves of mils adding up, dooming your inch-pattern model airplane to crash and burn?
be honest seriously now, do you really think the covid vaccine is working?
$300M seed round + $1B+ in funding coming
>Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valley’s latest wild bet on living forever
>Funders of a deep-pocketed new "rejuvenation" startup are said to include Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner.
Bezos is the only BASED billionaire. Change my mind.
>Elon Musk: muh mars. muh multiplanetary
>Richard Branson: muh mars
>Bill Gates: muh africans. muh toilet technology in africa. muh turn shit into clean water
>Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valley’s latest wild bet on living forever
>Funders of a deep-pocketed new "rejuvenation" startup are said to include Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner.
Bezos is the only BASED billionaire. Change my mind.
>Elon Musk: muh mars. muh multiplanetary
>Richard Branson: muh mars
>Bill Gates: muh africans. muh toilet technology in africa. muh turn shit into clean water
is is true that melatonin shrinks the balls/penis?
I can take two 2MG pills per night;is this a good regimen for lucid dreaming,which is my main motivation?
I stopped taking melatonin ever since i read it shrinks the genitals,but i also cant fall asleep for 2 hours after I go to bed,without this supplement.
I can take two 2MG pills per night;is this a good regimen for lucid dreaming,which is my main motivation?
I stopped taking melatonin ever since i read it shrinks the genitals,but i also cant fall asleep for 2 hours after I go to bed,without this supplement.
How can something be completely random, yet causal?
How can causality be reconciled with shit like spontaneous emission?
Is this proof that either there are hidden variables behind those events, or some things are simply not causal and "just happen"?
How can causality be reconciled with shit like spontaneous emission?
Is this proof that either there are hidden variables behind those events, or some things are simply not causal and "just happen"?
a black hole is an elementary particle

48KiB, 950x1021, orange-dragonfly-on-red-and-green-leaf-60031-953x1024.jpg
how do insects survive the winter months /sci/? too small to migrate, all of them die, and no insects in winter, then suddenly when warm again tons of insects! I've done myself 18 years of schooling and I still don't know this basic thing about the world around me! fucking education man, don't get me started.
How would you improve this Arcology design, that's being built in Arizona as we speak? All I can think of is adding PV panels above greenhouses.