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No.13601885 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If pic related is true then why don't we see more aquatic animals come crawling out and living with us
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No.13608524 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>DUDE THE EARTH IS... le small...
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No.13609210 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The Universe is Hostile to Computers
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(554 replies)

/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Apollo 17 Edition

No.13605912 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>13602767
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No.13609313 ViewReplyOriginalReport
To anyone who takes quantum immortality seriously, feel free to demonstrate it by shooting yourself in the head while livestreaming it.
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No.13607942 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the odds of getting a woman pregnant having sex with her once without a condom or facemask, and importantly not ejaculating?

Also is there a difference between children born from precum and ones drawn from all of the available ejaculate?
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(17 replies)
No.13607188 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do /sci/ explain this?

In the 80's I had to spank my tv as well, so she could work properly. But I never understood how it works.

And I had to blow in the Atari cartridges for them to work. And I saw in a series that other people did the same.

What is the scientific explanation of this?
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(109 replies)
No.13587816 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do you think the Continuum hypothesis is true or false? Why?

>inb4 its whatever the definitions and axioms says it is
formalists get out
104 posts and 5 images omitted