Threads by latest replies - Page 2747

(32 replies)
No.13609767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are all universities like this?
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No.13608204 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what do /sci/entologists think about backgammon?

too much luck? is it mathematical?
(16 replies)
No.13609396 ViewReplyOriginalReport
sci, why is the world's most famous astronomer a nigger?
he never even discovered anything.
someone posted a copy of his harvard phd thesis here a while ago, it was half a page long and written in crayon.
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No.13607742 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is my intellect just the product of natural selection and the need to adapt to the ever changing environment?

Are my emotions just the product of millennia of natural selection and the need to behave and adjust in complex societies?

Is my curiosity and passions just byproduct of the circuit in my mind that rewards the infantile need to explore and learn the systems around us in case we need to exploit them?

Am I really just the distant result of spontaneous molecules able to replicate themselves by consuming the floating matter around themselves?

Then what about my soul, why do I have a soul, do I even have one?
(14 replies)
No.13607773 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Uhm, sweaty, Wikipedia is actually a perfectly valid source, it is fact-checked and peer-reviewed by experts in the field
No so fast
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No.13607801 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Holy shit... the Japanese are fucking CHUDS!
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(43 replies)

Biologically speaking, is it more optimal for humans to be in a shorter or taller?

No.13603336 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Some studies stay tall people are healthier while others say short people are healthier. Let's clarify "short" being the range of 5'0-5'6, and "tall" being 5'10-6'4. I'm not referring to midgets and giants but just generally short or tall people who are still in a normal range.
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No.13609252 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ can niggers really be scientists or is pic related just a big publicity stunt?
18 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.13607655 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how to i stay motivated when learning math and science? What do I eat etc?
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No.13609572 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>soviet jew professors in US universities
What language do they speak behind the closed doors?