Threads by latest replies - Page 2746

(11 replies)
No.13607326 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is it pronounced and spelled potassium if potash is the root? why don't we say potashium?
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Sci-Hub 10th anniversary!

No.13607321 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's Sci-Hub's 10th birthday, according to their website.
Say something nice, will you /sci/?
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(14 replies)
No.13607884 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which is more important?
1. Feedback
2. Attention
3. Consent
4. Truth

Picking one option excludes or reduces the impact of the other options.
9 posts omitted
(19 replies)
No.13608395 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A group of people is planning to watch an anime together.
In order to choose one they decided to draw up a list of titles and organize a poll where each person is given 1 point and can spread it however they like between the titles.
Naturally, the anime with the biggest total score wins.
However, if the number of people is high enough, all this is pretty much futile, since the chosen anime is always among the most popular ones.

Then they decided to choose in the same manner, rather not from titles, but from genres. Each title has a fixed set of genres.
And my question is what would be a reasonable mapping from poll results to anime list?

As an example, if there are total of n genres, we can place all titles in the [0..1]^n cube vertices according to their genres. And then normalize poll results so they would fit into the cube and choose the appropriate title by some metric, like the closest one to the results or the one that corresponds to the biggest barycentric coordinate.
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No.13609931 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give it to me straight /sci/, are they bad for your health?
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No.13607812 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm about 3/4s through this book although it's a short book, I like the way the autism slowly ramps up. I may lose track. Of course it doesn't show the actual proofs, but it's good for plebs like me to get an idea.
(6 replies)
No.13609190 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New month, new chance for trannies to embarrass themselves yet again. It's September 2021. Where's the evidence that gender dysphoria is an entirely biological occurrence?

See you next month.
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(93 replies)
No.13601867 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't understand this. Is there any visual explanations for this?
88 posts and 5 images omitted
(47 replies)

Schrodinger's Toilet

No.13602490 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>have low quality toilet that sometimes doesn't flush toilet paper properly
>place toilet paper in, lower the cap so I can't see
>the toilet paper is now in a superposition, it is both flushed and unflushed
>the moment I raise the toilet cap the universe will flip a coin and will decide whether the paper Is flushed or unflushed
>mfw doing advanced science at home
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