Threads by latest replies - Page 2745

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No.13608328 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will this require surgery or just a cast?
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The sum/difference of squares

No.13608473 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone know how this was figured out?
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No.13610582 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i don't even see why this is considered racism, is there a scientific explanation?
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No.13610367 ViewReplyOriginalReport
1-What are the best one-volume/introductory books on the human brain and consciousness (from a technical point of view)?

2-What are the best books on the brain and consciousness (from the point of view of the beauty of the writing, the poetry of the language, the author's literary creativity).
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Extreme pain - out of alcohol

No.13610468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I only had around 100ml of rum left. I popped 1600 motrin prior to this and pain did not subside but the little bit of rum is helping it significantly. The pain is very intense and I'm not sure how I will last an hour from now. What should I do?

I am dealing with intramuscular chemical burns and foreign substances in the muscle tissue, of which had found a way to travel down to my elbow
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(51 replies)
No.13609461 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is trying to prove the existence of God the ultimate midwit pursuit ? Seems like there's a resurgence of that nowadays.

Fucking midwits want to have the legetimacy that comes with "muh science" "muh facts and logic", they are not capable of faith. But they are not capable of understanding what an actual proof is, either. They cannot believe in God unless it's all laid out and they're 100% certain.

Which is not actually possible. Most of the great minds (Pascal etc) they like to namedrop as "muh scientists who believed in God" knew that the "proofs" were bullshit from a purely "logical" point of view.
I understand the ontological argument, Descartes' argument, etc. They are valid to me, but that is because I believe in God. They are not proof. They do not compel the mind. I know that these people like to say they're "metaphysical proofs" but then again, when did they PROVE that that framework is valid ? They are "scientific" about it when it suits them. I don't understand this need to "le epic proof" the existence of God, it's obviously not possible. To me this is as midwitted as reddit atheism.

>t. fideist
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COVID scientific discussion

No.13603753 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could you post anything that supports your views on the shots, facemasks, lockdowns, death rates, etc?

I want to know if what I think is true really is so I want my views to be challenged. In a moment I will post sources I have so that, if flaws are present, someone can point them out for me.
92 posts and 66 images omitted
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No.13599372 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>finally get math PhD
>still feel retarded
56 posts and 10 images omitted
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No.13610044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why doesn't 100% of scientific funding money go directly towards researching ways to feed artificial data into the brain that simulates natural input. So that way the brain can't differentiate virtual reality from natural reality and we can live in our own fantasy worlds? There might also be a mechanism in the brain that slows down time so we could extent our perception of the length of our lives in these fantasy worlds.