Threads by latest replies - Page 2744

(6 replies)
No.13611331 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will science ever develop a cream, pill, or surgery to increase penis size without any side effects?
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(5 replies)
No.13611020 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Jennifer Zemblini isn't a real woman who can see the future she's just a figment of your mentally disturbed imagination
>9/11 was NOT caused by a tall woman with green hair named "Pill" you need to take your meds asap
>You're a schizo, a schizoooooooooooo!!!
(64 replies)
No.13609617 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the most rigorous definition of gender according to science?
59 posts and 5 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13611124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I find most women attractive from behind, but almost all unatractive when I see their faces.
How can I cure this illness? I used to find their faces pretty too but it's gone.
(5 replies)
No.13608224 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>pwa-sawn brackets
(32 replies)
No.13604895 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>can you build me a house with pi cubic meters of space in it
>how many bricks will you need
explain how this makes any sense
27 posts and 1 image omitted
(13 replies)
No.13610157 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>certain arrangements of sound waves are illegal
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(62 replies)

Inversion of striped diagonal matrices

No.13594640 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /sci/, I am trying to find a general rule to calculate elements of an inverse matrix of a striped block diagonal matrix.
However, there doesnt seem to be much resources on the web about such matrices in total.
The best I could find was this article but it isnt quite what I am after:
There is also one grateful thing about my matrix - no mater how big it is, it always has a tridiagonal and a single element at the corners, like pic related.
However, this is not a Toeplitz matrix, as each element of the same color is not the same, the colors just denote the diagonals.
According to my current understanding, it shouldnt matter that the matrix is a block matrix, as inversion rules are the same, just numbers are replaced by blocks.

Perhaps someone here knows some appropriate resources? Is such a rule for this matrix even possible?
The article seems to hint that for certain matrices the inverse is banded or has some other non-full structure.
57 posts and 4 images omitted
(204 replies)
No.13605359 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lets say you are betting on a coinflip. On heads you get 1,9x your bet (notice the house edge), and on tails you lose your bet.

If you lose, just triple your bet until you win. When you win, you stop playing. The expectation value of this system is >0.

This system never fails. House edge doesn't matter. If the house edge is larger, you just 4x or 5x your bet. If you have very large wealth, the only counter to this system is maximum bet size.
199 posts and 5 images omitted