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No.13610855 ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a species I really feel like we are yet to master anything. So I've been looking into agriculture and I remembered that experiment some people did as kids where they played music to plants, and sometimes they would grow better. Apparently this is because the vibration helps the flow of water throughout the stems of the plant. So knowing that there are a few other things to increase the power of our plants, think of romaine lettuce as a base.

you would need to:
grow it vertically
vibrate the plants
grow in uv light (uva preferably)
grow in coconut husk instead of soil

Granted I need to do more research but I thought it might be useful to share my thoughts here before I go out of my way to make super lettuce.
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(5 replies)
No.13610996 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The only consistently reciprocal value of intelligent processes is improved language use and heightened powers to seduce strangers into the intelligent person's given field or interest.

Fight me on this.
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No.13611492 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long do you think they can rip off the taxpayers? 5 doses? 10 doses? Does it never end? Do (((vaccines makers))) just print money from now on?
(19 replies)

Based Twitter math shitposter

No.13609535 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yes He is cringe, but also he is our guy and is saying what needs to be said to Twitter trannies
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The Mystical Metaphysical Number System

No.13611426 ViewReplyOriginalReport
TLDR Simple in its advanced complexity, the MMP is a revolutionary number system that addresses the faulty Real number system, and the aethestic finitism counterculture it has enabled.

As you may well know- there is nothing 'real' about the real number system. Its imprecise definitions and appeals to iterative infinity leave initiates without a solid bearing in the notions of constructability, computability or indeed conjurability of a number, number line, or shapes of various dimensii. The realm between physical and the metaphysical is obscured. Given that most mathematics is based on the real number system, areas like algebra, geometry, and calculus rest on pillars of salt and sand.

Additionally, mathematicians who correctly discern the real numbers fragile notion of the continuum are often left advocating for notions of finitism that are, for a lack of a better term, atheistic in nature, and abandon the metaphysical divinity of the infinite. Let us not bury our heads in the sand, Ramanujan was right, An equation for me has no meaning, unless it represents a Thought of God.

The Mystical Metaphysical Number system is the first number system of its kind whose notion of the continuum is based the holographic fractality of nature itself, the infinite nothingness is an implicit property of every number, and through the emergent properties of length and precision, we can precisely classify the difference between numbers we can use, numbers we can think about, and numbers God only has access too.

Much work is to be done to reformulate the mathematical cannon in terms of MMP, but it is a small price to pay for the divine intellect it inscribes

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(10 replies)
No.13610706 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was he into the occult and raising dead? was he just retarded?
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(36 replies)

Are vacuum balloons viable?

No.13604188 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The concept of a balloon is that the total structure must have a density less than that of air. The least dense thing you can have is vacuum. Therefore it should theoretically be possible to make things float with vacuum.
>A vacuum balloon would just collapse without super heavy support.
Yes, or at least at small scale it would.
Let's assume the vacuum vessel is a sphere. The pressure of the atmosphere is pushing on the surface, creating a force equal to the pressure times the surface area. Buoyancy, on the other hand, is determined by the negative weight of the vacuum plus the weight of the vessel, which ends up being a function of volume ultimately. The thing about spheres though, is that as the radius increases the volume increases faster than the surface. Would this mean that with a large enough scale the amount of vacuum within would allow for a strong enough support structure whilst remaining buoyant?
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No.13611436 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tooker, you fuckstain. Where are you? I'm a variable currently operating under your calculus so utilise me effectively or enjoy complete and utter isolation.
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No.13610532 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what are some good podcasts on psychology?
>inb4 psychology is not science
probably correct but the question stands
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(33 replies)
No.13610124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Redpill me on getting into a PhD program. Is there any hope bros?
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