Threads by latest replies - Page 2742

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No.13611799 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If a company charges $50 for 3lb sales and 75$ for 6lb sales what function would show that? I’m retarded
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No.13611624 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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It's all true

No.13611007 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why don't you trust the science?
20 posts and 5 images omitted
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No.13611500 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hacking is illegal you know. Luckily I'm forgiving as a person, so just don't be mean and go about your business and leave and I won't mind, and there won't be a problem lol.
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Neutron flux/nuclear engineering thread

No.13611243 ViewReplyOriginalReport
According to the wikipedia article the highest recorded "flux" of a fusor is 3x10^11 neutrons/s but this unit doesnt have a length scale is that 300 billion neutrons per cm^2 or just a fluence of 300b. Im planning on building a fusor and would like to pick the brain of anyone with experience
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No.13610841 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wait, people still listen to Fauci even after how much he lied during 2020?
1 post and 1 image omitted
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No.13608752 ViewReplyOriginalReport
am I allowed to post here for fun?
I'm a lawyer not a scientist or doctor
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