Threads by latest replies - Page 2738

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No.13612963 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Because ultracentrifuges have a ridiculous amount of g's, is it the gravity that causes things to separate into layers? If so, if I was to stand on a neutron star would my body separate itself into microscopically thin layers with the densest tissues at the bottom and least dense at the top? Or would it just be a homogenous mash?
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Land Cost calculation

No.13611916 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So i bought around 0.10 acres of land that is about 4356 SQFT of space.

Now sites like home depot has a calculator in linear feet with 4 corners and 1 gate

Whats the linear feet for 4356 SQFT or 0.10 acres of land?
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/sci/ Science & Math

No.13612721 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13612677 ViewReplyOriginalReport
imagine thinking your IQ is the reason you underachieved
(19 replies)

Uh oh, it's over for empirical science!

No.13608397 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Percentage of papers reporting a support for the tested hypothesis plotted against year of publication and divided by discipline of journal (SP Space Science, AG Agricultural Sciences, BB Biology & Biochemistry, CH Chemistry, CM Clinical Medicine, CS Computer Science, EB Economics & Business, EE Environment/Ecology, EN Engineering, GE Geosciences, IM Immunology, MB Molecular Biology & Genetics, MI Microbiology, MS Materials Science, NB Neuroscience & Behaviour, PA Plant and Animal Sciences, PH Physics, PP Psychiatry/Psychology, PT Pharmacology & Toxicology, SO Social Sciences, General).

In 2007, 85% of published scientific papers affirmed their hypothesis. Some fields have had entire years without a single negative result, and this isn't JUST going on in silly fields like sociology. Oh no, this is molecular bio, chemistry, micro bio, materials science, and physics.

This is not the same thing as research failing to replicate, but it almost certainly is the cause: publishers are playing Texas sharpshooter and ignoring negative results. The rare false positive comes up in someone lab, and ends up becoming the first attempt that's published.
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(24 replies)

Why we don’t enjoy physical affection with other men?

No.13608422 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I like touching women, touching animals of either sex, many animals enjoy being touched even by humans of either sex, but i have no desire to touch another man and most straight men feel similar i think. Is this because of the competitive element between men creating distance and preventing intimacy? Are there other animals that generally enjoy physical affection but excluding between two heterosexual males? or do the sociologists actually have a point
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(33 replies)
No.13607477 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should good engineers also be good entrepreneurs.
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No.13610088 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This have to be a scam right?
If skyhook were as effective as they tell then why isn't SpaceX also making them?

They say that the only reason we don't have them are lazyness because they are cheap and easy or something.
(44 replies)
No.13609878 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Given that the white inferiority thread seems to be allowed, it seems like we should finally be able to discuss the racial intelligence gap.

Why are we expected to believe that 70,000 years of evolutionary divergence in wildly different environments had zero impact on the powers of reason.
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(15 replies)
No.13612300 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Brainlet here
I hear you fags are slightly smarter than the other boards.
and I have 80 IQ question.
There are 2 cars.
Both cars accelerate from 25mph to 50mph and theoretically stop to 0 Mph after hitting 50mph.
Car A takes 4.0 seconds to accelerate from 25mph-50Mph
Car B takes 2.0 seconds to accelerate from 25mph-50mph
Is the distance traveled the same on both cars?
Common sense says the distance is the same, but am I missing something?
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